
《Trailerhead: Nu Epiq》◎◎19首史詩電影預告片音樂合集◎◎

(2015-12-18 18:40:44) 下一个




【專輯名稱】:《Trailerhead: Nu Epiq》19首史詩電影預告片音樂合集
【專輯製作】:The Immediate Music
【唱片公司】:Imperativa Records, Immediate Music
【專輯語言】:配樂/Epic Music/Trailer music/Rock/World music/orchestral/symphonic rock


The recording artist Immediate, widely acknowledged for nearly 20 years as being Hollywood’s preeminent producer of original music for motion picture trailers, pioneered the broad distribution of “trailer music” with their debut commercial album "Trailerhead". Trailerhead series of releases have been featured in some of the biggest blockbuster trailers of all time: “Spiderman 2,” “Da Vinci Code,” “Pirates of the Caribbean 3” “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”, “Avatar” and countless more.

Ranging from anthemic orchestral soundtracks to symphonic rock, contemporary classical, and power pop, the Epic Music genre is unified by the incorporation of real orchestra and choir recorded in some of the best sounding halls and studios in the world. The music, while spanning a variety of styles, shares similar emotional values which encapsulates the contemporary music category known as Epic Music .

With the release of the original Trailerhead album in 2008, Imperativa Records and IMMEDIATE launched the Epic Music genre as a bona fide contemporary music category, with CD sales and digital downloads far exceeding those of most film soundtracks. The subsequent volumes in the Trailerhead series, SAGA (2010) and TRIUMPH (2012), further consolidated the growing appeal and widespread popularity of the Epic Music genre in popular culture by featuring compositions from trailers for the biggest films in Hollywood and even spawning the first-of-its-kind Trailer Music Live concerts both in the United States and Europe.

Forging the next evolution in the Epic Music genre, with Trailerhead: NU EPIQ, IMMEDIATE builds on the mould of previous albums, infusing a new modern sound and evolved compositional approach while continuing the tradition of featuring modern orchestral and choral compositions blended with contemporary electronics, rock and synthesis. NU EPIQ is IMMEDIATE s biggest and boldest creative statement yet, featuring 19 original tracks of incredibly anthemic, emotional cinematic music that transcend the medium, existing independently as a legitimate form of artistic expression with a rapidly growing and fervent fanbase, as well as featuring in the latest trailers for Hollywood blockbuster movies.

NU EPIQ is produced by Yoav Goren and was recorded in the finest concert halls and studios worldwide, including the famed Abbey Road in London, and features performances by members of the London Symphony Orchestra and the City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra.

洛杉磯知名音樂製作公司Immediate Music是一個為好萊塢等歐美無數電影大片的預告片製作背景音樂的專業音樂製作公司,Globus 是由Immediate Music旗下的製作人、作曲家、歌手組成的一個樂團,外界對其旗下藝人知之不多,頗為神秘,Immediate Music 管弦樂團有強烈史詩風格,多被採用於電影的背景音樂。旗下包含上百個樂團、合唱團以及作曲家合作,為各式片頭、預告片以及影片、動畫電等編寫配樂,內容無所不包,真是非常強大的團體。以音樂的恢宏以及節奏感強著稱。全新原聲帶專輯《Trailerhead: Nu Epiq》,Nu Epiq是來著名Trailerhead系列作品的第4個作品。


01. Protectors Of Truth (05:18)
02. From The Ashes We Will Rise (03:16)
03. This War Must End (03:38)
04. Purple Heart (03:01)
05. Wolf Moon Uprising (04:21)
06. A Life Extraordinary (04:17)
07. Saga Of The Immortals (03:33)
08. Majestic (03:49)
09. The Unlikeliest Of Heroes (02:32)
10. Translucent (03:33)
11. Prologue To A Conquest (03:52)
12. Night Of The Avenging Angels (03:24)
13. Deliverance For All (03:56)
14. One Destiny To Follow (03:18)
15. Dark Times Are Upon Us (03:18)
16. The Fate Of Our Brave (03:23)
17. Falling Into Inertia (03:35)
18. This World Of Wonders (03:56)
19. Virtue At All Costs (02:58)

----- All music copyrighted and of sampler quality please purchase original materials -----
----- 所有的音樂只是試聽音質請尊重版權購買原裝版本 -----




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