
爵士樂手[羅拉.費琪]專輯 - Change

(2015-10-25 19:45:41) 下一个
Laura Fygi - Change

【專輯歌手】:Laura Fygi


'Change' is a semi-biography album of Laura chronicles stories of her past and present. With her unique smooth and sultry velvet voice, Laura once again leads her audiences to a music world of great beauty. The depth of feeling that she portrays in the songs alternate unmistakably between the lyrical and the passionate. The musicianship of Laura's each album is as ever impeccable and incomparable. For this new album, Laura has teamed up a huge number of talented musicians and to top it all, she collaborates with a grand orchestra to join in the production of these 14 new masterpieces of music.The song quality of Laura is as ever uniformly high. The catchy first single "Midnight Stroll" highlights Laura's very capable vocal abilities. The second single "Remember me" is one of the most outstanding tracks on the album. This song surely brings you a warm feeling deep inside your heart while listening to it. The other numbers on the album are also stand-outs. "Change" is a beautiful expression that sums up the whole album. "How do I win your heart" and "No small talk please" retained a gentle moody style felt throughout the album. "He saw her there" and "You can't judge" combined a touch of sexy and classic jazzy spirit while "Every moment", "Girltalk", "Enfant Terrible", "Loved you so long" and "Eternal honeymoon" deliver a refreshing and joy-inducing rhythm in a jazzy style and in a mood to get pumped.

羅拉費琪一直是最受樂迷們喜愛的爵士樂歌手之一,她不但美貌與好嗓子兼具,又有豐富的舞台現場魅力,聽她唱歌不但聽到流耳油,眼睛也會流淚呢! 因爲羅拉有時候還會開台下觀衆的玩笑,每次都的确是“賓主盡歡”!!羅拉˙費琪(Laura Fygi)是第一位打入美國告示排雜志爵士樂排行榜的荷蘭歌手,媒體因爲她低沉如絲質般細緻的磁性音質稱她爲“絲絨歌喉”;在她的國家甚至有以她爲名的一種新品種郁金香『Laura Fygi』,荷蘭人就是用這種最浪漫的方式,來響應他們對羅拉費琪的熱愛與驕傲!聽過羅拉費琪現場演唱的樂迷,大概都忘不了她罩着淡淡煙霧的嗓音與性感高貴的肢體語言,這是由于她過去曾曆經Disco舞曲、流行歌曲與搖滾樂等各種音樂方式的臨場訓練,最後融入爵士演唱所獲得與衆不同的特色; 而當現場演唱時,羅拉費琪的表現更是綻放淋漓盡緻的動人風華。她在《火熱的夜晚》現場專輯中,低聲詢問台下:“要不要跟我去巴西?大家一起去巴西,來吧!”接着就開始演唱名曲〈Triste〉,愉悅的歌聲表情、熱情的森巴節奏配合樂團襯托,羅拉費琪成功地和聽衆打成一片,将演唱會氣氛帶上最高潮!她的聲音更是充滿了生命力與無限的歡愉,每首歌在她的诠釋下往往讓人迷醉、久久無法自己…這張專輯是羅拉.費琪2002年最新錄音專輯。她第一次唱出完美自我的歌聲,整張專輯仍以拉丁和爵士樂爲重心,但是她不再重新诠釋他人舊作。全新的創作與嶄新的自我,讓人陶醉的歌聲依舊,音樂洋溢着南美巴西風情。14首歌曲當中,包括她獻給愛女的“Girl Talk”或是轉換心境重新出發的标題曲“Change”與拉丁風味的“Latin Eyes”,都是值得推薦的好歌。勞拉.費琪的「轉變」,期望與您共享這一種心靈的際遇。拉丁的靈魂,歐洲的身影,爵士的聲音:羅拉.費琪的新「轉變」特别推薦最後一首歌,我很喜歡,年終歲末,聽這首歌象一個總結,終于覺得新的一年又來了,I belong !


01. Midnight Stroll
02. Every Moment
03. Change
04. Girltalk
05. Enfant Terrible
06. How Do I Win Your Heart
07. He Saw Her There
08. Latin Eyes
09. Loved You So Long
10. You Cant Judge
11. Remember Me
12. No Small Talk Please
13. Eternal Honeymoon
14. I Belong

----- All music copyrighted and of sampler quality please purchase original materials -----
----- 所有的音樂只是試聽音質請尊重版權購買原裝版本 -----

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