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【專輯名稱】:In Dulci Jubilo (在甜蜜的欣喜) - Christmas With James Galway and the Regensburger Domspatzen (Dolby)
【音樂演奏】:James Galway and the Regensburger Domspatzen
【發行日期】:November 1, 1991
【發行公司】:RCA Red Seal


詹姆斯高威--1939年生於北愛爾蘭的伯爾發斯特,早年學習長笛,匯集各家的長處,融為自己獨特的風格,曾任柏林愛樂的長笛首席,1975離團, 開始以獨奏家身份,縱橫古典及流行樂壇,其技巧精湛,手法變幻莫測,故有「魔笛」之雅號。

雷根斯堡大教堂合唱團*(德語:Regensburger Domspatzen)是一個古典樂的少年與男子混聲合唱團。Dom在中文為教堂,而Spatzen為吵雜的麻雀們,引申為吵鬧的男童。因而Regensburger Domspatzen中文有些唱片公司翻譯為雷根斯堡大教堂唱詩班,也有些叫做雷根斯堡大教堂少年聖樂合唱團。該團於西元1976年創立於德國的雷根斯堡,算是很長壽又不間斷的少年合唱團之一。教宗保羅VI.曾在1976年的時候在他們「紀念創立一千年音樂會」上讚美他們為「世上最有名氣的合唱團之一」。這些歷來的教宗都頗喜歡在公開場合稱讚一些兒童合唱團,但儘管如此,得到教宗的讚揚仍然是該團一項引以為傲的事實。無數次成功的音樂會也擄獲樂迷們的心,這些「歌唱的麻雀」們不但透過錄製的CD也透過媒體的報導迅速的走紅於Regensburger、德國,甚至是世界各地。而要成為這麻雀的一份子也不簡單,所有的成員相信在離開該團之後,仍然能夠回憶起在Regensburger的點點滴滴。羅森伯格大教堂唱詩班在文化的傳承上也扮演著重要的角色,並且也成為了Regensburg當地著名的市標之一。透過巡迴世界的演唱,他們也被當地人叫做「Regensburg的歌唱使者」。他們周遊著世界各地,西到美國、加拿大,東到像是台灣、南韓或是日本等國家。當然,在歐洲本地的演唱會更是少不了。

本專輯網羅古典與通俗曲目的聖誕音樂,有知性的「平安夜」,純潔安詳的巴哈「聖母頌」,清唱劇中的「上帝,我心渴望之喜悅」,悅耳旋律的帕海貝爾 「卡農」及優美的阿爾比諾尼「慢板」,而孟德爾頌六首聖誕小品更是傑出,高威暢快俐落的吹奏技巧與合唱團優美和聲,在RCA典範級的錄音下,展現藝術氣息聖誕禮讚,長笛學習者更不應錯過。

In dulci jubilo ("In sweet rejoicing") is a traditional Christmas carol. In its original setting, the carol is a macaronic text of German and Latin dating from the Middle Ages. Subsequent translations into English, such as J.M. Neale's arrangement "Good Christian Men, Rejoice" have increased its popularity, and Robert Pearsall's 1837 macaronic translation is a mainstay of the Christmas Nine Lessons and Carols repertoire. J.S. Bach's chorale prelude based on the tune (BWV 729) is also a traditional postlude for Christmas services.

The immortal James Galway -- world-famous as "The Man with the Golden Flute" celebrates Christmas in Bavaria and musically travels around the world with this Christmas collage of classically oriented favorites. The spirit of the season can be found on songs such as Pachelbel's "Canon," and Handel's "Messiah," "O Tannenbaum," "Stille Nacht," "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring," and 17 other inspiring selections. The performers include: The Regenburger Domspatzen Cathedral Boys' Choir, the Munich Radio Symphony Orchestra (conducted by John Georgiadis) .


01. Fantasia on 'In Dulci Jubilo'
02. Il est ne, le divin enfant (French)
03. Es ist ein Ros entsprungen (Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming), for chorus
04. Choral prelude for organ ('Es ist ein Ros' entsprungen'), Op. posth. 122/8
05. Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: Pastoral Symphony (Pifa)
06. Kling, Glockchen, klingeling! (Ring, Little Bells!), carol (German)
07. O Jesulein suss, o Jesulein mild (O Little One Sweet), carol (NEH No. 31)
08. Prelude on 'O Jesulein suss'
09. Adagio, for violin, strings & organ in G minor, T. Mi 26 (composed by Remo Giazotto; not by Albinoni)
10. Ein Kindlein in der Wiegen (A Baby In The Cradle) (German)
11. O Tannenbaum (O Christmas Tree) (German)
12. 6 Christmas Pieces/ Weihnachtsstucke/ Pezzi Di Natale (Mendelssohn)
13. O Come, All Ye Faithful (Adeste fideles)
14. Ave Maria (Bach - Gounod)
15. Zu Bethlehem geboren, carol (German)
16. Still, Still, Still (Stille, stille, stille) (Austrian)
17. Canon in D major, instrumental arrangement
18. In dulci jubilo
19. Prelude on 'In Dulci Jubilo' (Bach)
20. O du Frohliche - O Tu Gioioso Natale
21. Cantata No. 147, 'Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben,' BWV 147 (BC A174): Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring
22. Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht (Silent Night)

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