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【專輯名稱】:The Very Best Of Enya (Remastered Deluxe Edition)
【發行日期】:23 November 2009
【音樂類型】:New Age/Celtic
【音樂廠牌】:Warner Bros. (UK)/Reprise (US)


天地萬物、日月星辰,川流不息,恩雅的音樂捕捉了這個宇宙的律動,以及置身其中的人類對於周遭環境變化的情感投射,更創造了跨越時空、兼具神秘生命力與美麗情感的雋永詩篇。藉由2009年歲末隆重登場的此精選大碟,恩雅這位擁有7000萬張專輯銷售,榮獲4座葛萊美獎、3座世界音樂獎喝彩的新世紀音樂天后,將與全球樂迷分享「Orinoco Flow」、「Only Time」…等22首滿載著大地之美與人類情感的經典大作。

1988年,恩雅以一台具有多音變化功能的模擬式合成器,將她那深具和諧感與生命力的歌聲,融合上古典音樂、居爾特音樂與流行音樂等音樂素材,創造出了改變流行音樂歷史的傳奇大碟“Watermark”,專輯中的單曲「Orinoco Flow」更登上英國金榜與歐洲熱門單曲榜冠軍後座,進而掀起了全球性的"恩雅現象"。而恩雅的魅力也持續延燒至90、00年代,她在1991年所發行的專輯“Shepherd Moons”在發行首周即空降英國金榜冠軍,她的許多音樂作品也相繼雀屏中選成為【綠卡】 、【愛就是這麼奇妙】、【遠離家園】、【純真年代】、【碧海藍天】等電影的主題音樂。恩雅於2000年交出了生涯歷來最暢銷的專輯“A Day Without Rain”,在該專輯發行一年之後,美國遭逢911恐怖攻擊,專輯中的單曲「Only Time」剎那間成了撫慰歷史傷痛的熱門點播曲,之後,恩雅參與了電影【魔戒首部曲:魔戒現身】的主題曲創作,她的創作曲「May It Be」獲得了奧斯卡最佳電影主題曲的提名。

此精選大碟典藏恩雅歷經時間淬煉的音樂代表作,包括引爆全球聽覺革命的冠軍成名作「Orinoco Flow」,安定悲傷思緒的全美抒情榜冠軍曲「Only Time」,同獲奧斯卡、金球獎提名的電影【魔戒首部曲:魔戒現身】主題曲「May It Be」,深具渡假風情畫氣息的英國金榜TOP20暢銷曲「Caribbean Blue」,體現生生不息真諦的全美成人抒情榜12名作品「Amarantine」,抒發愛爾蘭民族情懷的代表作「Boadicea」…等美不勝收的聽覺極品。精選大碟同時搜錄了首度曝光的電影【魔戒首部曲:魔戒現身】中人皇阿拉貢與精靈皇后亞玟的愛情主題曲「Aníron」。


Comprised of 22 tracks culled from the singer/composer’s first three decades, The Very Best of Enya was pieced together by the artist herself, along with longtime collaborators Nicky and Roma Ryan. Luckily, the trio seems enamored by most of the same songs that the general public is, resulting in one of those rare “greatest-hits” collections that goes deep without depriving the listener of the essentials. With tunes like "Orinoco Flow," "Caribbean Blue," in the pot and out of the way, it’s easier to appreciate hidden gems like "Boadicea," "Trains and Winter Rains," and "Anywhere Is." Also notable is the inclusion of "May It Be" and a previously unreleased version of "Aníron (I Desire)," both of which originally appeared on the soundtrack for the first chapter of Peter Jackson’s beloved Lord of the Rings trilogy.


01."Trains and Winter Rains" (from the album And Winter Came...)
02."My! My! Time Flies!" (from the album And Winter Came...)
03."Stars and Midnight Blue" (from the album And Winter Came...)
04."Amarantine" (from the album Amarantine)
05."Sumiregusa" (from the album Amarantine)
06."The River Sings" (from the album Amarantine)
07."If I Could Be Where You Are" (from the album Amarantine)
08."Wild Child" (from the album A Day Without Rain)
09."Only Time" (from the album A Day Without Rain)
10."Drifting" (from the album Amarantine)
11."Flora's Secret" (from the album A Day Without Rain)
12."Fallen Embers" (from the album A Day Without Rain)
13."One By One" (from the album A Day Without Rain)
14."Pax Deorum" (from the album The Memory of Trees)
15."Athair ar Neamh" (from the album The Memory of Trees)
16."Anywhere Is" (from the album The Memory of Trees)
17."Orinoco Flow" (from the album Watermark)
18."Watermark" (from the album Watermark)
19."Boadicea" (from the album The Celts)
20."May It Be" (from the soundtrack to The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring)
21."Caribbean Blue" (from the album Shepherd Moons)
22."Aníron (I Desire)" (previously unreleased version)

----- All music copyrighted and of sampler quality please purchase original materials -----
----- 所有的音樂只是試聽音質請尊重版權購買原裝版本-----



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