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Released: May 18, 2007
Recorded: December 2006 – February 2007
Genre: Pop
Label: Columbia


D'elles (meaning About Them or From Them) is the French-language album by Canadian singer Celine Dion, released by Columbia Records on May 18, 2007. It is her first new French studio album since 2003's 1 fille & 4 types. D'elles is a concept album which features thirteen songs written by influential female authors from France and Quebec, including: Fran?oise Dorin, Christine Orban, Nina Bouraoui, Marie Laberge, Lise Payette, Denise Bombardier, Nathalie Nechtschein, Jovette Alice Bernier, Janette Bertrand and George Sand. The themes throughout this album centre around "woman." The first single, "Et s'il n'en restait qu'une (je serais celle-là)" reached number one in France and number two in Quebec. It was followed by another Quebec top ten single, "Immensité."

D'elles received favorable reviews from music critics, some of whom noticed that it is Dion's most ambitious project in a long time. On the commercial level, the album debuted at number one in Canada and France, and also topped the chart in Belgium Wallonia and reached number three in Switzerland. It was certified 2× Platinum in Canada, Platinum in France, and Gold in Belgium and Switzerland. D'elles has sold over one million copies worldwide.

D'elles是法語流行歌曲天后席琳·狄翁於2007年5月22日在加拿大推出的專輯,發行公司是Sony BMG。

繼2005年的法語精選集《On ne change pas》之後,席琳·狄翁再度推出萬眾期待的全新法語專輯《D'elles》。與1995年的法語專輯《D'eux》一樣,兩張專輯都可以翻譯成“關於他們”,但“D'eux”是指男性的他們,而“D'elles”是指女性的她們。該專輯的全部歌詞由來自法國和魁北克的十位著名女作家共同譜寫,內容都是以女性感情世界為主題。讓·雅克·高德曼則擔任音樂總監。

專輯首支單曲“Et s'il n'en restait qu'une (je serais celle-la)”空降法國單曲榜冠軍。首支單曲的MV中充滿著濃郁的中國古典風情,而第二支單曲“Immensité”的MV在Mead湖拍攝。專輯中收錄的“A cause”有兩個版本,歌詞都是由佛蘭索瓦茲·多林譜寫的,只是曲風完全不同,“A cause”是典型的法國舞曲風格,而“On s' est aime a cause”則有點民謠的味道。值得一提的是席琳在向歌劇女神瑪麗亞·卡拉絲致敬的歌曲“La diva”中將用歌劇唱腔與之進行了完美的合唱。


01. Et s'il n'en restait qu'une (je serais celle-la)
02. Immensité
03. A cause
04. Je cherche l'ombre
05. Les paradis
06. La diva
07. Femme comme chacune
08. Si j'etais quelqu'un
09. Je ne suis pas celle
10. Le temps qui compte
11. Lettre de George Sand a Alfred de Musset
12. On s'est aime a cause
13. Berceuse

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