
Life\'s a dream. Never too old to learn stupid things. :-)

Fake FBI Moneypak Warning Scam

(2012-11-25 21:25:20) 下一个

Today my computer was lock'ed and nothing showed up on the desktop except a screen as shown below.

There was nothing that I could do with my computer.  The messasage is as follows:

"The FBI
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Location: Your Country Here
IPS: Your ISP Here
Your PC is blocked due to at least one of the reasons specified below.
You have been violation Copyright and Related Rights Law (Video, Music, Software) and illegally using or distributing copyrighted content, thus infringing Article I, Section 8, Clause 8, also known as the Copyright of the Criminal Code of United States of America.
Article I, Section 8, Clause 8 of the Criminal Code provides for a fine of two to five hundred minimal wages or a deprivation of liberty for two to eight years.
You have been viewing or distributing prohibited Pornographic content (Child Porno, Zoofilia and etc). Thus violating article 202 of the Criminal Code of United States of America. Article 202 of the Criminal Code provides for a deprivation of liberty for four to twelve years.
Illegal access has been initiated from your PC without your knowledge or consent, your PC may be infected by malware, thus you are violating the law of Neglectful Use of Personal Computer. Article 210 of the Criminal Code provides for a fine of up to $100,000 and/or a deprivation of liberty for four to nine years.
Pursuant to the amendment to the Criminal Code of United States of America of May 28, 2011, this law infringement (if it is not repeated – first time) may be considered as conditional in case you pay the fine to the State.
Fines may be paid within 72 hours after the infringement. As soon as 72 hours elapse, the possibility to pay the fine expires, and a criminal case is initiated against you automatically within the next 72 hours!
To unblock the computer, you must pay the fine through MoneyPak of 200$."

I went to Walmart, 7/11, and Target and found that there is not such a card called Moneypak.

I then went to my office and google'ed FBI and Moneypak.  It truned out that there is a scam that some call Fake FBI Moneypak Warning virus.

According to the Internet, there are different ways to remove the virus.  I got rid of the warning by restoring my system to that of 11/21/2012 using a Backup and Restore tool that came with my PC.

The following information is from http://guides.yoosecurity.com/remove-fake-fbi-moneypak-warning-scam-asking-to-pay-200-fine-to-unlock-pc/:

Fake FBI Moneypak Warning virus is defined as a horrible scam that will lock your computer and ask for money to unlock. It has been quite popular recently and many computer users have been tricked by it. Some one was looking at under age porn on my computer and a FBI thing came up how can I make it go away? Alert warning me to pay a fine because the FBI has locked my computer. Have you ever got a message on your computer from FBI telling you that your IP as sent to the authorities? Most people turn to be very terrified when this fake FBI warning scam appeared on their computers saying that they have to pay $200 within the next 72 hours. Due to the authorization of the FBI Organization, some may pay directly according to what it says  because they don’t want to be in any kind of legal troubles or even be put in jail for the rest of life. But as a matter of fact, this is known as an Internet scam created by some hackers. Once your computer gets blocked by this fake FBI Moneypak warning virus, try to stay calm and do some researches via another computer or mobile phones to check out its  legitimacy at first before you go ahead and make the payment.
To be more specific, once the infection is done, a warning page from the fake FBI Moneypak warning scam will block your computer and stop you from accessing to it. The warning is highlighted with the title of “THE FBI FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION” and stating mainly that you have been violating Copyright and Related Rights Law. You may have visited some illegal articles, pornographic websites, online videos or music. In the end of the warning it states that you have to pay fines within the next 72 hours after the infringement. But if you refuse to pay or cannot manage to pay in this period of time, “a criminal case is initiated against you automatically”. Although it looks quite legit and serious, it’s just an online fake warning to deceive money from innocent computer users. I was browsing a porn site and got a request to pay $200.00 to “money pak” to restore my service. what do you recommend that i do? All you need to do is to get rid of this fake FBI Moneypak warning scam completely as soon as possible.


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