
Life\'s a dream. Never too old to learn stupid things. :-)

The Hottest Half Marathon and the End of the Four Seasons H.M. C

(2012-06-03 19:37:43) 下一个

It is called the Hottest Half Marathon for the event occurs in the hosttest season of the year. I had been warmed in the days before the race that this would be a tough one due to the heat.

The couse is flat and the surface is quite runner-friendly.  It starts from a park at northeast of the White Rock Lake, and goes southwest and then south to the southern end of the lake where it turns east.  It continues eastward and turnes north at the southeast of the lake.  It mades a U-turn at the 6.5 mile make and comes back in the same way to the finish line. 

The running course is along a beautiful lake. 
(The picture was downloaded from the Internet)

The race started at 7:30 AM.  My strategy was to run steadly and have a comforable run throught the whole course.  Though I was at the very end of the line at the begining, I gradually passed a lot of people during the race.  I forgot to carry the stop watch with me so I had no idea how fast exactly I was running but my goal was to make sure I could finish the whole course. At mile 11, my shirt was totally soaked and I wished I could walk for a while. However, I did not allow me to stop running.  Instead, I took off my shirt.  It appeared to help a lot.  The shirt was quite heavy when it's soaked!  I even sprinted for the last 0.1 miles :-)
There were 1328 finishers and, overall, I was one of the top one thrid finshers.  My run time was just under 2 hours.  Below is what a finisher's medal looks like.

This the end of the my Four Seasons Half Marathon Challenge.  I made it and received a media as shown in the following picture.

Finally I would like to wish Wenqin good luck in her Half Marathon race in October!



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