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标题: 三说沈崇案 (395 reads) 时间: 2009-7-27 周一, 下午8:20


作者:芦笛 在 芦笛自治区 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.info







根据网友稀里糊涂先生提供的信息,某位现在美国执教的Zhang Hong女士写了本题为《America Perceived: The Making of Chinese Images of the United States, 1945-1953》(《1945年-1953年中国人眼中的美国》)的专著,其中有一章是专谈沈崇案的。老芦不揣浅陋,特地将该书有关审判的部分(第100页至第102页,published by Greenwood Press ,April 30, 2002)翻译如下。此书在Amazon等大书店有卖。



1947年1月17日,美军海军陆战队第一师军事法庭在北平开始审理沈崇案的伍长皮尔逊。在审判即将开始前夕和在审判中,“北平抗暴联盟” (the Beiping Anti-Brutality Alliance)极度活跃,发布声明,谴责皮尔逊将由美国军事法庭而不是由一个中美联合法庭审判。










胡适曾在此前做了许多努力,争取一个能使得学生平静下来的法律解决,此时却痛苦地发现军事法庭的判决被否决了。从当地一家报纸上得知此事后,他立即打电报给南京的司徒雷登,表示对那消息的严重关切与震骇。他警告司徒雷登,这将可能给学生们带来政治上的震荡,因为这消息将“有力地煽起反美骚动”。他强烈呼吁司徒雷登严肃考虑此事。此后不久,胡适从美国报纸上读到关于皮尔逊案更详细的报道,意识到军法官的建议尚待海军部长的最后批准。他立即又发了一份标明了“紧急”的电报给司徒雷登,强烈敦促他让美国政府认识到全中国正在“非常焦急地观察”皮尔逊案件, 把它当成是对“美国司法的一个考验”。他直截了当地拒绝了美国新闻报道关于皮尔逊是“在全国学生抗议中”被判决的声称,提醒司徒雷登,抗议发生在1946年12月30日,而军法审判是在1947年1月17日开庭,皮尔逊则在1月22日被判决。







“据周先生介绍,沈崇事件发生以后,1947年 1月6日海军陆战队第一师(加强师)司令下令于中国北平第五海军陆战队司令部举行审判,前后经过多次审理。”

而Zhang Hong女士的专著说的却是1947年1月17日开庭,1月22日结束,她引的胡适给司徒雷登的电文也重复了这一声称。


“1947年6月11日军事法庭审判皮尔逊案的审判记录显示:控罪3和控罪5已经撤诉;控罪2和控罪4被宣判无罪。控罪1,他被判有罪。他被判决降为列兵军阶,监禁十五年, 受不名誉退伍和其他有关处分。下令审判的有关当局已经批准了审判过程,调查结果和判决。”



“军事法庭最后认定,根据事实和上述法律, 对控罪 1 及其说明的调查结果和下令审判的机关的相关决定 , 予以撤消。根据对控罪2和控罪4的调查结果,对法庭判决和下令审判的机关的相关决定, 予以撤消。总军法官认为,下令审判的机关根据以上陈述和建议采取的司法程序和行动是合法的。

这个陈述和建议后来得到了海军部长苏利文的批准。因此,对控罪1 及其说明的调查结果予以撤销。根据对控罪 2 和 4 的调查结果,审判的判决和下令审判的机关的相关决定也予以撤销。”

而张著则说,“1947年6月中旬,海军军法官(the Judge Advocate-General of the Navy)以证据不足为由,建议释放皮尔逊并恢复其伍长职务。”



“虽然证据显示 1946年12月24日晚事件开始时她不是自愿跟两个海军陆战队员走的,但是除了她自己的证词以外,没有其他证据证明她哭过或者反抗过。与此相反,其他控方证人作证说,在她和被告呆在一起的那么长的时间里,证人既没听到她哭叫,也没看到她挣扎反抗。如果说这些要干预被告和姑娘的证人相信姑娘正在被强奸,而 他们无力援救她,是令人难以相信的。”



有鉴于此,我不揣冒昧,谨此建议谢先生再对此案作类似Zhang Hong 女士那样的深入调查,最好能组织几个学生把周启博先生查到的档案材料翻译出来。若是不能做到这点,那就将英文抄下来也行,总比这么笼而统之地说上一气要强得多。







从现在的标准来看,强奸肯定是发生了。我们现在所使用的强奸概念及其判定标准是受1970年代开始的女 权主义法学的影响,也就是说在此之前,美国法律传统中对强奸的认定就是那么僵硬的标准,跟文中所提及的大清律的标准也差不多(当然现在多数中国法官对于强 奸的认定标准也是和大清律差不多)。

将强奸——“违背受害者意志发生的性行为”中的“违背意志”操作化为“强迫和胁迫”是80年代中后期才被美国和加拿大普遍接受的。从文中的情况 看,沈崇案大致属于胁迫这一类(胁迫,指为达到非法的目的,采用某种方法造成他人精神上的巨大的压力或直接对他人肉体施加暴力强制的行为)。主要理由已经 由文中提及的一审控方检查官阐释得非常清楚了。倒是很佩服那个控方检察官,观念真的是很超前。40年代能够看到关于强奸案这样的辩论和案例,估计在美国本 土也不多见。









On January 17, 1947, an American court martial of the First Marine Division began to try Corporal Pierson in the Shen Chong case in Beiping. Immediately before and during the days of the trial, the Beiping Anti-Brutality Alliance was most active in issuing statements denouncing the fact that Pierson was going to be tried in a US court martial instead of a Sino-US court. At the trial, Shen Chong went to the court and testified as a witness. The audience was limited to Shen Chong’s father, her legal advisers, Hu Shi, a number of GMD officials , and newspaper reporters. Pierson faced five charges: (1) assault, (2) coercion in attempting rape, (3) fornication, (4) behavior prejudicial to good conduct and military discipline, and (5) offense against decency. Pierson pleaded guilt only to fornication, and denied the rest of the charges. Twenty-seven Chinese and American witness testified before a panel of seven American military judges. The Chinese army mechanics and policemen testified that they had heard Shen Chong cry and seen the accused on top of Shen, but had failed to come to her rescue initially because of the threats from the marines. The MP who found the group on the night of the alleged rape also testified that Pierson was “intoxicated.” The American and the Chinese doctors who examined Shen shortly after the alleged rape testified that the examination reveled minor injuries to her private parts and demonstrated that she had not had much or probably had had no previous sexual experience, although the minor bruises and cuts could also result from consensual sexual intercourse.

Pierson’s counsel, lieutenant Colonel John Masters, could not establish Shen Chong as a prostitute, but he did argue long and hard that Shen had consented to sexual intercourse with Pierson. Masters claimed that the place where the alleged rape had taken place was usually heavily traveled. Had Shen cried louder for help, more people would have come to her rescue sooner. Masters also argued that had Shen struggled had as would be expected in a rape, she would have sustained more bruises and injuries to her private parts, while the lack of evidence of strong physical resistance suggested consensual sexual intercourse. Regarding the fact that Shen Chong had pressed a rape charge at the police station, Masters claimed that Shen did so only because she was caught in the act of fornication, and thus found it expedient to call it rape.

Ironically, although the counsel for Pierson was most unlikely to have read the stringent Rape Code of the Qing dynasty, where stiff evidential stipulations placed heavy burden of proof on the victim, his arguments ran along similar lines. Based on the Qing Rape Code, to establish a rape crime, the victim had to supply proof that she had fought against her attacker throughout the whole ordeal. “Such evidence must include: (1) witnesses, either eyewitnesses or people who had heard the victim’s cry for help; (2) bruises and lacerations on her body; and (3) torn clothing.” If the woman had stopped struggling in the course of sexual attack, then the case must be considered “illicit intercourse by mutual consent.” In other words, as one scholar suggests, only severe physical injury, if not her death, could convince judicial officials of the genuineness of he rape charge. In the case of Shen Chong, she actually met the tree traditional Chinese criteria for rape, although Masters argued that she should have had more burses and cried louder for her rape cases to be established.

The prosecution, conducted by Lieutenant Colonel Paul Fitzgerald, argued the debilitating effect of the overpowering physical presence of the two marines (Pierson was a six-foot young man with “large and powerful” hands) on a 125-pound, 18-year-old college girl. Fitzgerald further contended that the law did not require a girl to do more than “her age, strength, the surrounding facts, and all attending circumstances make it reasonable for her to do, in order to manifest her opposition.” He concluded that it was most difficult to explain why a young, educated girl from an excellent family would willingly spend three hours on a bitterly cold night in an open field with a drunken man she had just accidentally run into. The only explanation was that she stayed because she had no other choice.

The trial ended on January 22, the flimsy arguments made by Masters failed to convince the military judges. Pierson was found guilty of all charges, demoted to the rank of private, and sentenced to 15 years’- imprisonment. Pritchard was then tried in a separate court martial that opened on January 30. He was convicted of assault and sentenced to a bad conduct discharge and 10 months in prison.

On March 5, General Samuel Howard, Commander of the First Division of the US Marines stationed in China, ratified the court-martial sentence, which, however, was still subject to final approval by the Secretary of the Navy in Washington. In mid-June of 1947, the Judge Advocate-General of the Navy recommended releasing Pierson from confinement and reinstating him as corporal on the ground of insufficient evidence.

By then the anti-American demonstrations related to Shen Chong case had cooled off appreciably and the students had become preoccupied with the anti-hunger, anti-civil war movement. This piece of news again aroused some fury in the press, and led to student petitions and protest manifestos. For the Chinese, that Pierson was guilty of rape was beyond any doubt and Washington’s exoneration of his heinous crime further suggested the American disregard of justice. Dagong Bao, an influential newspaper, while suggesting that “black sheep” among American servicemen had adversely affected the reputation of American forces in China, nevertheless asserted that “in an American service man who has raped a Chinese girl can be considered not guilty, then what kind of people will the Chinese be in the eyes of Americans?”

The news about the Pierson case also caused consternation on the part of GMD authorities, and led to another wound of frenzied exchanges of telegrams between Beiping and Nanjing. Meanwhile, the Chinese foreign ministry also dispatched a letter of protest to the American embassy in Nanjing demanding the original sentence of Pierson be maintained.

Hu Shi, who had exerted much effort in securing a legal settlement that could pacify the students, found to his dismay that the court-martial ruling was rejected. Upon learning the news from a local Chinese newspaper, Hu Shi immediately telegraphed Stuart in Nanjing. He stated his grave concern and shock at the news, and warned Stuart of possible political repercussions among students because this news would “greatly inflame anti-American agitation.” In the end, he strongly appealed to Stuart’s serious consideration of the issue. Shortly after, Hu Shi read a more detailed account on the Pierson case from an American newspaper and realized that the recommendation made by the Jude Advocate-General had to await final approval by the Secretary of the Navy. He immediately sent another telegram marked “urgent” to Stuart strongly urging him to make the American government realize that the Pierson case was “most anxiously watched” by the whole Chinese nation as a “test of American justice.” He flatly refuted the claim made by the American report that Pierson was convicted “in the midst of nationwide student demonstrations.” He asked Stuart to recall that the student demonstrations took place on December 30, 1946, while the court martial was opened on January 17, 1947, and Pierson was convicted on January 22.

Upon learning about the news related to Pierson case, Shen Chong’s father, Shen Shao, sent a strongly worded letter to Hu Shi condemning the American disregard of justice. He asserted that to reverse of Pierson’s well-established criminal act would result in the complete dissipation of the Chinese admiration for American adherence to law. He implored Hu Shi to urge the Chinese government to interfere on behalf of his daughter to see justice done.

The Department of the Navy than announced that the case was still under investigation, which worked to quench the renewed excitement. In mid-August, however, Secretary of the Navy John Sullivan declared a reversal of the verdict based on lack of evidence, and Secretary of Defense James Forrestal signed the final order. This piece of important news came out when the Chinese colleges and universities were in summer recess. When the fall semester began in September, the Kangbao leaders found it difficult to regenerate the fervor of the previous semester. (Zhang Hong: America Perceived: The Making of Chinese Images of the United States, 1945-1953, pp100-102, pub Greenwood Press ,April 30, 2002)

作者:芦笛 在 芦笛自治区 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.info

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