


(2017-11-26 10:03:50) 下一个

我的新书《不吃土豆的日子》近日出版并在Amazon世界各地网站上架销售(呵呵,中国除外)。Amazon.com 和Amazon.ca 的链接如下:



网上搜索词:"Days without potato" "Zhanqing Du" "Dudu Fiction" "Dudu Anthology" 都可找到(Amazon不支持中文搜索,请原谅)



杜杜的这部小说集包括三个中长篇小说,《不吃土豆的日子》《水晶珠子》《寻找如弟》。《不吃土豆的日子》以轻魔幻手法,描写任天意和孟乔南、小米和斯蒂文两对夫妻的故事。任天意不经意间造成同事小米流产后,生理、心理和生活都发生巨大改变。小说通过故事的发生发展触及了人生中的偶然巧合、人性的迷惘无助、世界的无法预知等多个空间。孟乔南这个被宠惯的娇妻在整个故事中逐渐成长为一个成熟的家庭主妇。土豆是一条隐线,孟乔南从爱吃土豆到不吃土豆到最后又吃土豆,使人生的某种神秘意义在小小的土豆身上得以发泄。任天意神秘地死去,却使孟乔南陷入了一个新的陷阱... ...这不是一个轻松的小说。《水晶珠子》描写一对移民母女的生活和冲突,其中涉及文化冲突、东西方理念冲突、老人与子女的代沟、人类心理多侧面的不平衡表现和矛盾性都得到反映。人性的复杂使得人间之爱变得复杂和艰涩,世界上存在没有矛盾的爱吗?这是一个无解的命题,即便是母女之间。 《寻找如弟》描写一位移民女子回国探亲时试图寻找一位儿时女友的故事,小说中回忆与现实穿插往梭,故乡和同学朋友的巨大变化给海外移民者带来了情感、价值观等诸多方面的震撼和影响。


The book is an anthology of Zhanqing Du (Dudu)'s three novels about female immigrants' life, love, and perplexity. It includes "Days Without Potatoes", "Crystal Beads", and"Searching for Rudy". "Days without potatoes", written in a slight magical realistic style, embodies all perspectives of human nature, confusion, coincidence, un-predictableness, and helplessness through a variety of physiological, psychological and life changes on Ren Tianyi and Meng Qiaonan, a young couple of Chinese immigrants in Canada. After Ren caused a miscarriage of his pregnant colleague by accident, he suddenly discovered a shocking secret of her family but then died mysteriously. His wife Meng had a long way to eventually adapt and turn into a mature and independent woman from a spoiled and highly dependant barbie girl. But unfortunately, she fell into a new trap after her husband's death ... "Crystal Beads" is about the life of an immigrant daughter and her mom, the love, and conflicts between culture and lifestyle, the East and the West, the elder and younger. The complexity of human natures induced all sorts of conflicts in life. Therefore the of love between mom and daughter got bogged deeply in crisis. "Searching for Rudy", describes the story of an immigrant living overseas for many years, visiting her homeland and searching for her girlhood best female friend Rudy. It mainly elaborates how the tremendous changes in contemporary China have exerted a multifaceted impact on the internal world of the overseas returnees.
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