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经典舞蹈收藏 - Laendler from SOUND OF MUSIC

(2013-06-14 22:17:33) 下一个

Ländler is a folk dance from the Ländl region of Austria which was popular in Austria, south Germany and German Switzerland in the 18th century. This Ländler was originally from movie Sound of Music danced by Maria (Julie Andrews) and Captain Von Trapp (Christopher Plummer). The dance in this video was performed by members of Dallas Chinese International Folk Dance Club.

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秀山 回复 悄悄话 回复花甲老翁的评论:

I am not very sure. It is on music of 3 beats, the dancers bow, routes are diagonal, and the steps and the figures are fixed, thus it could be a variatin of the traditional 小步舞.
花甲老翁 回复 悄悄话 请问,她俩跳的是否[小步舞]呢?