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A Joke for Fun

(2012-04-20 09:29:09) 下一个
Coming out from a meeting, I all of a sudden I recalled a joke:

It says that corporate companies are just like trees full of monkeys. Some monkeys are climbing up, some down. The most interesting fact is that monkeys at upper levels look down and see all smiling faces, but the ones at lower levels look up and see nothing but assholes.

I first learned this joke a few years ago in my previous job. Usually Wednesday afternoon we got an email from a senior manager reminding us that we would have the weekly schedule meeting in the early Thursday morning. One of the Wednesday afternoon, we got an email as expected. It was so funny. The guy wrote in the email, dear colleagues, this week's schedule meeting has been cancelled...please do not be disappointed ... I have a joke for you.....
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yimei1926 回复 悄悄话 Good one, thanks for cheering up.