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Irish Folk Music & Dance

(2011-05-28 06:44:22) 下一个

First time I knew Irish music was when My Heart Will Go On was popular every where. From somewhere, I read that the song was in the category of Irish music and the woodwind instruments are the feature of Irish music. Not long ago from some Youtube video clips I knew Irish music was a kind of folk music with fast rhythmes and is usually for dance. And the dance is usually featured by quick moves of legs and feet. The shoes of the dance make sound when the dancer kicks the floor, which matches the music. 

In the Victoria Day long weekend, a few close friends and I had a trip to Banff. We just for fun planned a short period time to a bar or a pub. We went to a pub called St. James Gate Pub. When we walked in, a small band of 4 to 5 was performing for the night. The stage was small. But you know what, the music was absolutely amazing. People went crazy when the band performed the music.

There was a couching session called just before we left. They couch Irish folk dance. One friend and I from our table jump in right away. I saw some surprising faces around probably because we are Chinese, but quickly turned to laughs. I liked Irish music rhythmes but it was hard to dance on it. But it was really a fun.

Attached is a couple of downloaded Youtube video clips. I feel it is Irish music. I hope I have not insulted any  experts by my limited knowledge of music genres. 

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秀山 回复 悄悄话 回复CuteLena的评论:

I thought I would never like fishing and hot spring because they both require patience and long hours waiting, which is hard for me. But this trip made I like hot spring. I caught a light cold just before the trip but the hot spring HEALED it. I had a cold in this season every single year and it never got over in one month. But this year the hot spring made the magic happened. Thank my friend Q.
秀山 回复 悄悄话 回复CuteLena的评论:
Thanks for passing by,
CuteLena 回复 悄悄话 An interesting article on an interested topic, I’ll keep my eyes on your blog.
Irish music + Beer + Friends = Heaven