

(2010-11-30 21:17:05) 下一个


Don't quite understand what people were expecting from these cables. All they've shown so far is that there are people behind them and of course they are going to express a variety of opinions that don't particularly fit in with the image that most people have of diplomatic exchanges.

With that being said it should not really come off as a surprise that China would be fustrated with NK since they are for the most part their babysitter. To think they would have some unshakable and loyal relationship with them is naive.
(另外,因为中国历来扮演着朝鲜的幼儿教师的角色,他们对朝鲜有些怨言也没什么令人感到意外的。 认为中国与朝鲜有着不可动摇的忠诚的关系也是幼稚的)

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