netliuying (热门博主)
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Castle in the clouds 云中城堡

(2016-09-23 06:06:53) 下一个


Castle in the clouds, "云中城堡"坐落在New Hampshire州Ossipee山脉中Mount Roberts山顶上,虽然叫城堡,其实就是个占据山上最美观景点的一个豪宅。从城堡远眺,可以将山脚下Winnipesaukee湖和Ossipee山脉的湖光山色尽收眼底。城堡里面的装饰朴实无华,算是流行的工匠艺术风格。比起New port的豪宅,这里让人有种舒适和随意的亲切感,加上风景秀美,怪不得经常会吸引很多新人来此操办婚礼。

Castle in the clouds 云中城堡 - netliuying - netliuying的博客


Castle in the clouds 云中城堡 - netliuying - netliuying的博客


Castle in the clouds 云中城堡 - netliuying - netliuying的博客


Castle in the clouds 云中城堡 - netliuying - netliuying的博客


Castle in the clouds 云中城堡 - netliuying - netliuying的博客


Castle in the clouds 云中城堡 - netliuying - netliuying的博客



Castle in the clouds 云中城堡 - netliuying - netliuying的博客



Castle in the clouds 云中城堡 - netliuying - netliuying的博客


Castle in the clouds 云中城堡 - netliuying - netliuying的博客


Castle in the clouds 云中城堡 - netliuying - netliuying的博客


Castle in the clouds 云中城堡 - netliuying - netliuying的博客


Castle in the clouds 云中城堡 - netliuying - netliuying的博客


Castle in the clouds 云中城堡 - netliuying - netliuying的博客


Castle in the clouds 云中城堡 - netliuying - netliuying的博客


Castle in the clouds 云中城堡 - netliuying - netliuying的博客

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