Well, I have been reading this post ever since I learned that I waspregnant. After being in denial for a moment because I have an 8 yrold, 2 yr old and a 10 month old, I finally accepted the fact that Iwas/am pregnant. My LMP was June 12th but I believe I conceivedbetween 6/23-6/27. At the first u/s because I was spotting, I measuredat 6 weeks. Dr. saw a sac but no baby. Well, I went for a second u/s10 days later and they were able to find the sac, a fetus but noheartbeat. Today, I went back for a 3rd u/s and there is no change, nogrowth and no heartbeat. However, I have not had any signs ofmiscarrying symptoms as of yet. Actually, I thought it would havehappened by now or at least began the process. I have an appt onThursday to determine if I should miscarry naturally or other options.I personally am not a fan of miscarrying with technology but I am tiredof being in this unstable position. On the other hand, I still havesome hope (small as it may be) because I know that GOD can performmiracles. At this point, I just wish something will happened so that Ican move on with my life. I am praying for everyone because this isNOT FUN at all. I don't wish this on my worst enemy.
虽然不是同一时间,却是那么的相似,我希望GOD can perform miracles!!!