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David Bowie (大卫·鲍威,1947年1月8日-2016年1月11日)全球巡回展最后一站,正在Brooklyn Museum (布鲁克林博物馆)进行。配合此展,
通道上方悬挂的“David Bowery”的“站牌”
Invisibility Cloak: "He traveld with this cloak of invisibility - nobody saw him. He just eradicated himself. I think he had complete access to David Jones." -- John Guare n Daivd Bowie's birth name.
Bowie 的手迹: “Love letters to Gotham”, 1997.
Madison Square Garden — Diamond Dogs tour, July 19, 1974
Radio City Music Hall, Feb. 14, 1973
RCA studio, 录制 Space Oddity video shoot
“I’m afraid of Americans” video shoot
The Magic Shop, Bowie在此录制了“The Next Day”
Electric Lady Studio with John Lenon, 录制 Fame 专辑,他在美国第一次获得榜首的单歌辑,1975.
Starman “arriving somewhere in Greenwich Village” to come save the earth
22nd studio album/Heathen
Ziggy Stardust Tour, 1973.
The Looking Glass studio, Bowie 在此录制了一系列专辑 - Earthing, Hours, Reality, and Heathen.
David Bowie with William Burroughs, Feb. 1974. “Downtown was always mythological. This is where the beatniks were and the Beat poets and the early songwriters and the Dylans and jazz started here as well. It’s a musicians writer’s dream to go and live in the Village. — by David Bowie”
David Bowie is widely known to be a fashion icon. Less known is his penchant for walks, such as to Washington Square Park, one of his favorite spots in the city, which he describes as “the emotional history of New York in a quick walk”.
Early Riser - “these days, my buzz can be obtained by just walking, preferably early in the morning, as I am a seriously early riser. - by David Bowie”.
RCA studio
Philly Dogs Tour
Bowie in New York City, 1973. “For the first time I saw someone I felt truly androgynous - by Lynn Goldsmith.