
Living Breakthrough Minded

(2009-12-27 08:00:22) 下一个
A breakthrough is a sudden burst of God's favor.  It's an explosion of His goodness.  It's when all of the sudden, God releases His power in such a way that you're overwhelmed by His goodness.  Like the powerful force of water during a flood can move objects weighing thousands of pounds, even homes; that same magnitude of strength is the same way God wants to move in our lives.  During the difficult times when situations and circumstances look extremely large, when obstacles look impassable and dreams look unobtainable, God desires to show up and release His power.  Even during intense moments of feeling overwhelmed, God desires to show up and prove Himself strong.  David was overwhelmed at times, especially when his army was outnumbered with little chance of winning during a battle.  But David asked God for help, and God didn't just show up and help a little.  David described God's help in 1 Chronicles as the bursting forth of water breaking his enemies.  When the God of the breakthrough shows up and releases His power, it will be like a flood of His goodness, a flood of His favor, healing and new opportunity; and nothing will be able to stop it.   We have to live breakthrough minded, getting up each day with expectancy, knowing that God is going to show up and out in amazing ways.  We have to dare to believe.  If we think overflow, we'll experience overflow; God can release a tidal wave of His goodness in your life.  
By Joel Osteen on 12/23/2009

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