
无言独上西楼, 月如钩。 望远川, 逝者如斯。 念天地之悠悠, 独怆然而泪下。


(2005-06-14 21:28:31) 下一个
We have five senses, to see, to hear, to smell, to taste and to touch. They are the ways we attest to the existence of the outside world. We believe in things that can be proved by the five senses, and then say "ok, that is for real." The sixth sense is added to the five because people experience moments when knowledge of the outside comes through none of the five sensing channels. The mystery of the sixth sense is still unsolved by our modern technologies. The ancient Chinese made use of this way of knowing to accumulate a great amount of knowledge. They sensed the unique spots on the human body for acupuncture. They categorized vegetation and food into "cold", "hot" and "warm" that were not defined by experiences of the five senses. In religion, the Buddhists call that an enlightenment. For Christians, that is the workings of the Holy Spirit and angels. Some physicists theorize that all substances in the universe, including human bodies, are energy. The six sense is the way a person feels the fluctuations in the surrounding energy field. That explains why feelings can be conveyed from distance between twins, whose energy fields are highly related. Hugh. It's not a SUPERSTITION. Now, I can say with confidence that I believe in “angels” although I cannot see them.
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