系统信息:market in bounce mood, gold is strong(aem,auy)
(0/) 2008-11-28 16:41:32
(2/) 2008-11-20 15:42:44
系统信息:market makes another try. is the THE low? (PETS, EZPW)
(0/) 2008-11-13 16:08:32
系统信息:market will undercut previous low. short is great(goog, aap
(1/) 2008-11-12 15:30:24
系统信息:又是江山一片红 (short GOOG, MON, GS, PRU)
(0/) 2008-11-06 15:26:59
系统信息:light volume bounce is not good (biotech moving CELG,CEPH)
(0/) 2008-11-03 13:58:02