

(2006-03-13 09:46:28) 下一个
1. Resume
在美国找工作说难也难,especially if you need H1-B sponsorship or the job market is harsh。);说简单也实在是简单, 搞定了两页纸的resume 和一个小时的 interview,就基本搞定了份工作。所以这两项基本功一定要苦练。Resume是敲门砖。一定要反复写反复改。I update my resume at least 20 times a year, for example:
看了人家好的job posting; read a good job related book; did a good project; and learned some new technologies.

There is a famous saying: Work for your resume. It means, you are not working for your boss, your company or your pay check. You are working to increase your unique assets, which should be reflected on your resume.

I always try to 定位 my resume to the NEXT LEVEL of my target job. On the other hand, I don't lie on my resume. I can only be myself with moderate exaggertion. I can speak for at least a minute on whatever I put on the resume. Otherwise, I will remove the fancy words or do some homework before put them onto my resume.

2 面试


3. Working Attitude
第一层次是 work for your resume. I mentioned above. But nobody likes a person who works only for his own ambitions.
第二层次是 work as the owner of the company. If you put company's priroties first, you will show out pretty quickly.
第三层次是 work to be happy. Only a happy career can make your success sustainable. I believe the easiest way to make myself happy is to make everybody around me happy first.

4. 和老板的关系:
工作中最重要的关系就是和顶头上司的关系. As long as your boss pay your checks, you have to think through his perspective and try your best to make him happy. 多替老板着想,老板在调级涨工资的时候才能多替你着想。Whenver I make a visible achievement, I always SINCERELY express my appreciation to my boss, who gives me the opportunities to exhibit my talents. I am not just saying that. I DO THINK so. If you screw up with your boss, all the gates will be close to you. You may even find it hard to get a stage to show off your skills.

Very occassionary you may run into a boss who tends to abuse or overburden his subordinates. Some bosses make you extreme uncomfortable just to let you go. Most time bosses are reasonable common people like you and me.

When needed, I can work overtime. I don't work overtime if not appreciated. Sometimes I remind the boss what is the reasonable expectation and job responsibility. When I see his tendency to misuse my personal time, I will skillfully remind him I am not happy. For example, once I told him I was sick when he wanted me to work overtime on a weekend. He immediately got the message. But when he was in a critical moment, I worked overtime until 12:00 AM not a single time.

最后的心得是在职场生涯版多看多想多写 :) 衷心希望大家事业兴旺。
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