
云语 (2005)

(2005-12-05 07:06:09) 下一个

May 23, 05            Sunday



“The Storm has Passed”


A storm means that the worst is over

The beginning of a brand new day

Thunder and lightning will all pass by

Which can tear the world apart


Look up and see the storm is here

But good is coming, and better is next

After you bear the pain, you’ll feel better

There’s no need to be perplexed


The clouds have gone, and the sun is shining

It’s time for a brand-new day

Open the door, and feel the breeze

And in the front garden you’ll stay


Thinking about what you’ve gone through

And what you can do after this

You can meet your dreams, follow the stars

Leaving nothing you love amiss




June 3, 05            Friday



“Future, Present, Past”


When I am dead and long been gone

The world will keep going, on and on

Oh, how I wish I will not perish

But I know I will, so this time I’ll cherish

I’ll treasure each day as if it were my last

The future to the present, and then to the past

I’ll grow older and wiser through each coming day

But already I know there’s a price to pay

So be it, with the days gone by

Ahead, my future will surely lie


“I Can’t Stop Loving You”


I can’t stop loving you

Not even when the sun won’t shine

Not when the clouds are gray

Not when the stars, they smirk at me

All the times I think of you


Though not all days are bright and fun

I’ll help you through them all

For all the times I hate the world

I’d still be loving you




June 12, 05            Sunday



On the week of June 5-10, we visited Atlanta, Georgia.  We set off on Sunday of last week, in which dad drove a co-worker and us to Atlanta, but with a small detour in Auburn for lunch.  We arrived at our hotel at around 4 pm, and Cathy and I immediately started watching TV.


On Monday, dad attended a meeting on microbiology, so mom took us to the CNN center, where a tour guide showed us around the place.  Mom said that the only reason that the tour ended in the gift shop was because they wanted us to buy souvenirs.


The next day, Tuesday, dad had to attend the meeting again, and mom took us to the Coca Cola museum which was about the history and making of the drink.  My favorite part was the testing rooms, where visitors got to try sodas from around the world.  The museum tour, predictably, ended in the gift shop, where mom bought Cathy and me each a personalized dog tag.  When we arrived back in the hotel, I watched the movie, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, on HBO, twice, but not consecutively.  Now I have seen it a total of three times.


On Wednesday, dad finished his part in the meeting, and drove us about ten miles to Marietta, Georgia, to visit the Gone With the Wind museum.  It was very small, and was built where the movie took place.  Some people asked us to be in a commercial for it, and they gave up free t-shirts for our work.  We also browsed around in an Australian bakery, and mom purchased a tiny jar of Vegemite for five dollars.  We ate Chinese food for lunch, and watched cartoon the rest of the day.


Thursday, to me, was perhaps the best day of the whole trip, because we went to Six Flags Over Georgia.  I believe the scariest ride to me was the Georgia Cyclone, because it was really bumpy, had lots of twists and turns, and even went upside down a couple of times.  My favorite ride was the Dahlonega Runaway Mine Train because it was smaller, and very fun.  Throughout the day, mom bought Cathy and me Icees, Dippin’ Dots, and soft frozen lemonades.  Mom got sick after only two ride, and dad rode only two as well.


On Friday, we went home, but had a stop in Columbus for lunch and Books-A-Million.



6/26/05            Sunday


On Saturday, June 25th, there was a sale at Books-A-Million in Columbus, so Cathy and I persuaded dad to drive the 20-something mile journey to take us there.


Everything in the store was at least 20% off, so we could buy many books for a cheap price.  There were books whose prices where 50% off, and still others that we “buy 2, get 1 free!”.


Cathy and I spent a long time browsing around the sections, looking at practically every book.  There were so many to choose from, that at first, I didn’t know what to buy.


But I knew that I was going to purchase CDF: Vampire Mountain because one day I told myself that every time I go to Books-A-Million, I would buy one from the series.


I kept on changing minds about what I wanted to buy, but finally settled on four books:  the previously mention book; On the Other Side of the Hill; Across the Rolling River; and since it was a sale, I got a free book, On the Banks of the Bayou.


I spent a total of $16.24, and my sister spent about $5, after she chose Grim Tuesday.


When we arrived back in Starkville, we went to the library at MSU, and played on the computer for 2 hours.  Then we went home.


I put my new books on my shelf (which was filling out quickly, and soon I would need more room), and started reading Across the Rolling River.


I have just counted my books, and have found out that I now own 158 books.  When I grow up, I want to have 8,000 books, just like the author Esmé Raji Codell.



 July 17, 05



Yesterday, I read the book, “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” by JK Rowling.  This book is about a wizard named Harry Potter who became famous at the age of one, for being the only known survivor of the killing curse.  He lived in a nice house with his aunt, uncle, and cousin, who all despised him.


One day, the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Professor Albus Dumbledore, came to take Harry away.  He wanted Harry to help him persuade a man named Horace Slughorn to take a teaching position at Hogwarts.  The plan worked, so Professor Dumbledore took him to the Burrow, his best friend Ron’s house, to stay until school began.


When the school holidays was nearing its end, Mrs. Weasley took her kids and Harry, and Hermione, his other best friend, to Diagon Alley, to shop for school supplies.  Harry, Ron, and Hermione eavesdropped in a conversation in Borgin and Burke’s, between their enemy, Draco Malfoy, and the shopkeeper, Mr. Borgin.  Malfoy wanted something mended, but Borgin wasn’t doing it fast enough.


At school, Harry received a lot of help in Potions class from the mysterious Half-Blood Prince, whose Potions notes were written in the old textbook that Harry used.  It was also filled with spells that the Prince had invented, because Harry had never seen them before.


Harry was also having private lessons with Professor Dumbledore in his office.  They usually viewed Dumbledore’s memories in a stone basin called a Pensieve.  In this way, he found out the history of the evil Lord Voldemort.  Dumbledore also told him about Horcruxes.  Horcruxes were objects that contain a part of a person’s soul.  It was believed that Voldemort split his soul seven times, which meant that he made seven Horcruxes.  This way, he could be near immortal, because even if a Horcrux is destroyed, the person it belonged to would still live.  Harry had destroyed two of them in his second year:  Voldemort’s old diary, and the sword of Godric Gryffindor.  Dumbledore told him the other four:  Voldemort’s pet snake; Hufflepuff’s cup; Slytherin’s locket; and Voldemort’s grandfather’s ring, which was destroyed.  Voldemort himself was also a Horcrux.


In an attempt to find and destroy the locket Horcrux, Dumbledore was nearly killed, but when Harry and Dumbledore arrived at Hogwarts, the old wizard was murdered by someone he trusted.  It was Severus Snape, the old Potions Master.  He had betrayed Dumbledore, and went to the Dark Side.  When he was dueling with Harry, Snape revealed that he was the Half-Blood Prince, because his mother’s maiden name was Prince, and his father was a Muggle.  Then he disappeared.


That is what the major plot is basically about, but with lots of subplots in between.  It was really exciting, and sad at the same time, because of Dumbledore’s death.  I am very angry that Snape betrayed and killed the only person who trusted him, who believed in second chances, the one person who have him an honest chance at living, and he threw it all away.




July 23, 05



Once upon a time, I read a book called “Cirque Du Freak:  A Living Nightmare”, by Darren Shan.  It is the first book of the Cirque Du Freak series.


It is about a young boy named Darren, who won tickets to see the “Cirque Du Freak” freak show, along with his friend Steve.  On the night of the show, Darren and Steve sneaked out of their homes to watch it.  There were a great variety of performers, including a real wolf-man, a man whose stomach could do amazing things, a skinny man who could use his ribs as a xylophone, a woman who could grow and retract a beard at will, and a snake-boy.


There was also a man named Mr. Crepsley, who played a flute to control and giant spider named Madam Octa.  During intermission, the audience were allowed to buy souvenirs, such as rubber models of the fat and skinny men, Madam Octa, and lock of the wolf-man’s hair, and much more.


After the show, Darren sneaked into the balcony, and saw Steve confronting Mr. Crepsley.  Steve knew that Mr. Crepsley was a real vampire, who used to go by the name of “Vur Horston”.  Steve wanted to become a vampire as well.  Mr. Crepsley tested Steve’s blood, but coughed it back up.  Steve had bad blood, which meant he could not become a vampire.


Darren stole Madam Octa, and practiced a flute to control her.  Darren and Steve were having a great time playing with her, until the spider bit Steve.


Darren persuaded Mr. Crepsley to heal Steve, in return that he become a half-vampire, as Mr. Crepsley’s assistant.  Darren agreed, and Steve was saved.


Mr. Crepsley and Darren had to stage Darren’s death, so that his family would not come looking for him.  Mr. Crepsley gave the boy a potion, which would block out all feeling, and snapped his neck.  Then he threw his assistant off a tall building.


After the funeral, Darren joined the Cirque Du Freak.  “The Vampire’s Assistant” takes up from there.




August 6, 05



This Friday was the first day of school.  My sister was going to be in the seventh g4rade, and I was to be in the ninth.


In the morning, dad dropped me off.  I had to wait at the front of the building until 7:45, when we could go to our homerooms.  My homeroom teacher was Coach Fischer, in the main building, right side from the entrance.  My friend Ishani later told me that his class was for students with last named beginning with K through L.


First block was Technology Discovery, in the Millsaps building with Mrs. MacLaughlin, who was my eighth grade computer teacher.  It was VERY far away from the main building.


Second block was English I, acc. with Ms. Freeze, on the second floor of the main building.  The teacher was very nice, but gave a booklist full of boring books.


Third block was Algebra II, acc. with Mrs. Hill, in the main building, left side.  She gave us a worksheet with easy equations on them.


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