

(2005-07-13 06:42:12) 下一个

A Sister in a Friend



The closest I have ever come,
To a sister in a friend.
Was when I met the likes of you,
And I've been happy since.
Those days were filled with joy and grace,
And beauty everywhere.
Only because it was you who was there,
And it took my breath away.



Future, Present, Past



When I am dead and long been gone,
The world will keep going, on and on.
Oh, how I wish I will not perish,
But I know I will, so this time I'll cherish.
I'll treasure each day as if it were my last,
The future to the present, and then to the past.
I'll grow older and wiser through each coming day,
But already I know there's a price to pay.
So be it, with all the days gone by,
Ahead, my future will surely lie.


The Storm has Passed



A storm means that the worst has passed
The beginning of a brand new day
Thunder and lightning will all pass by
Which can tear the world apart

Look up and see the storm is here
But good is coming, and better is next
And when you feel the pain, you'll know
There's no need to feel perplexed

The clouds have gone, and the sun is shining
It's time for a brand new day
Open the door and feel the breeze
And in the front garden you'll stay

Thinking about what you've gone through
And what you can do after this
You can meet your dreams, follow the stars
Leaving nothing you love amiss



The Life of a Sidewalk



I live to be walked on
Taken for granted
I live to be treaded upon
Noticed by no one
I live to be meaningless
On the cold hard ground
But wait a moment
Aren't I the cold hard ground?
Oh well, why should I care
For such a tiny little detail?
But I do care!
I'm the only one who does



Think About It



sometimes when
time passes
we never think
about the days
gone by
we never see
what we did wrong
so we'll never
into what's right
we never hear
the voice in
our heart
telling us to
do the right thing
we ignore it
and do the things
we'll regret the
we take things
for granted
never stopping
to wonder where
it came from
by doing this
we're being selfish
thinking about us
and only us
never stopping
to find out
what others are
doing everything
your own way
so now i beg you
it's not too late
to listen and see
with all your heart
do something good
do something great
just to see the
smile on someone's
you'll enjoy it
and that's what counts


i can



dreams to reality
facing obstacles
making sacrifices
and a whole lot of

but the results
the ending
is happy
and that's what
means the most
to me

in dreams
you find yourself
find friends
those who'll
stick like glue
and that's what
makes it worthwhile

but not all dreams
are easy to have
they need time
they will not work

but never ever
give up to them
stand up to them
don't say, "i can't"
or, "i won't"
because you can

and when at last
you fulfill those dreams
you can stand up
and say
"i can"



Thinking for Myself



There once was a time
When I couldn't see
With my very own heart

I'd want all the things
That others had
And not what I truly wished

But when I learned
Of the gifts my heart brought
I changed for good
Now I am me
I am how I wish
With my own heart



I Can’t Stop Loving You



I can't stop loving you
Not even when the sun won't shine
Not when the clouds are gray
Not when the stars, they smirk at me
All the times I think of you

Though not all days are bright and fun
I'll help you through them all
For all the times I hate the world
I'd still be loving you






always be kind
don't ever fight
get straight a's
do your work
and all the chores
or you'll never get to play
i've heard it once
i've heard it twice
i've heard it all my life
all these rules
they get to me
you've drilled them in my brain
but have you stopped
and thought a while
of what you get in return?
everything was done for you
by one unhappy child
have you wondered
what it'd be like
to wear my shoes for a day
the constant nags
and all the requests
make me want to die
but i haven't yet
and i never will
lose to this raging war
because i can fight
and i'll stand strong
against your every whim
putting up a strong defense
with strength still left
to win
maybe one day
you'll remember who i was
and who i am today
and see two different souls
in me






into a bottomless pit
clawing at the dirt walls
trying the break free
but to no avail
finally landing
at the bottom
of this bottomless pit
how is it possible?
you wonder
sinking to your knees
you look up and see hope
in all the darkness
and despair
how ironic…
but maybe this torture
will go away sometime
one day it will be
but a fading memory
lost in hopes and dreams
with new energy
you start to believe
that escape is possible
close your eyes
breath deep
and start to fly


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