
星言 (2002)

(2005-05-23 07:43:51) 下一个

3/23/02 Saturday


On Thursday March 21, 2002 I went to Sudduth Elementary School by bus number 48 early in the morning. It was my first day of school in Mississippi. I did lots of reading. I was happy because I got a few gummy bears for rewards. I got a lollypop from the principal. I went back home by bus as well. Brenda missed the bus home and dad had to bring her home by truck. Brenda made two friends and I made more. Brenda’s principal was a brown man. Brenda went to Ward +Stewart. I went to S.E.E.D.S. (which means Sudduth Elementary Environment Discovery School). I thought S.E.E.D.S. was more interesting then B.E.P.S (Brunswick East Primary School) in Australia.



4/6/02 Saturday


On Thursday March 28, 2002, I was sick. I had high temperature and cough. I stayed home for seven days. Brenda was sick before me. She stayed home for three days. I had to take some medicine. I slept in my mother’s room and dad had to sleep in mine. I missed my friends at school. I returned to school yesterday. Being sick is fun. I like not look after myself and don’t stay healthy.



4/20/02 Saturday


Once upon a time there was a girl named Brenda and a girl named Cathy. They lived in a house with their mom and dad and a little teddy bear called Fidashi in an old wooden house. One day they wanted to ho shopping at Wal-Mart. So they went walking to the shuttle stop. On their way they saw two squirrels. When they were at the shuttle stop, Brenda and Cathy were looking for pretty rocks. They found a lot. When the bus came they got on and sat down on the bus seats. The bus had funny things one can hold when the bus turns. It took a while to get to Wal-Mart then they finally got there. It was hot outside but when they went inside it was cool. Cathy got to have a sticker of which looked like this O with a face in it. They bought tons and tons and tons of things and then dad went to pay for all the things. When dad finished paying they went on the bus and got home and they lived happily ever after.



4 May 2002


Last night I had a dream. In my dream I went shopping with Fidashi, Brenda, mom, and dad. Fidashi told me she wanted a new jumper I said yes. So I got Fidashi a new jumper. Fidasi said to me again, “I want a teddy bear” I said, “I’m gonna bop you in the nose”. Fidashi cried and I bopped her in the nose. She died.



14 May 2002 Tuesday


On 4 May 2002 I went to the Birmingham Zoo in Alabama. It took a long time to get to Alabama. I went there by bus. When I got to Birmingham I threw a penny in the wishing pool. The first animal I saw was a Scarlet Macaw. A Scarlet Macaw is a parrot. Next I saw was a spoonbill. It had a funny beak. I saw American Alligators. Some were babies. Then I saw some birds. They were big and small. There were vultures, peacocks, owls, and kookaburras. After that I went to see the Primates. They were cute. I saw lots of animals that day but I can’t be bothered to write anymore.



Saturday June 1, 2002


Today I am watching TV with Fidashi. Fidashi is lying down flat on her face. Fidashi is cute, soft, smelly, pink, and adorable. Plus Brenda is always stealing Fidashi. I love Fidashi. I like Fidashi because she is pink. Fidashi likes pink and strawberries and cherries and sucky buddy. Fidashi’s favorite animals are squirrels and chipmonks. Her best friends are Goldilocks and Cleopatra. She likes wearing jumpers with scars on them.



6/29/02 Saturday


In the morning I watched three programs on TV. They were George Shrinks, 7 little monsters, and Marvin the tap dancing horse. My favorite show is George Shrinks. It’s about a boy fixing a big clock. The clock stopped ticking so he climbed down into in the clock. He found a few things such as a toy, a screw, and a bat. He used the screw to make the clock work. Once he finished fixing the clock, he climbed out of the clock. A spider gave him a lift on the way. 7 little monsters is about someone running away from home. The 7 monsters were trying to find the person. They used their pet cow to smell the person out. The cow found the person, but monsters didn’t know the cow found the person, so they called the police. Then the missing person found the monsters. As they were looking for each other and they were all together again. Marvin the tap dancing horse was about was about a flea circus. Someone was jealous of the flea circus so he wanted to catch some fleas. He sent others to catch some fleas, but they didn’t catch any fleas. He went to catch some fleas by himself. He brought a fur coat with him. The fleas jumped on his fur coat and that’s how he got the fleas. He used the fleas to make his own flea circus.



13/7/02 Saturday


Yesterday, I went to Aiken Village. Brenda and I were playing on the swings. Brenda saw a boy fall off the swings in action. The boy’s mom pushed him off the swings. And I saw a person selling vegetables. There were a few bugs on the vegetables, and I killed a bug. And I also saw a bug going up someone’s shoe. Then Brenda and I went to the Winn Dixie Marketplace. There were several toy dispensers there. I looked at a candy dispenser turned the knob and a piece of candy came out. Then I looked at a necklace dispenser, turned a knob and a necklace came out.



26/7/02 Friday


Yesterday I went to Dollar Tree, Wal-Mart, Winn Dixie, Food max, and Kroger. At Dollar Tree Don bought Brenda and me a whoopi cushion. My whoopi cushion was pink, and Brenda’s one was purple. I like whoopi cushions because they make funny noises. When I went to Winn Dixie, I saw lots of dispensers. I turned a knob a few times, and a necklace came out. Brenda didn’t have any luck. In Wal-Mart, Brenda and I were sitting in the bottom of the trolley. I wanted to hug a tiger toy, so we went to the toy department. But when I got there the tiger was gone so I hugged a pony. Then we tried to find mom. We went in a circle three times then mom appeared. We paid at the counter then went home. It was very dark when we finally got home.



8/9/02 Saturday


Yesterday Fidashi and I watched a movie called “Stuart Little”. The movie was about a little white orphan mouse. A lady and a man got Stuart at the orphanage. The man and lady had a son called George. Stuart gets a brother. And there is a boat race and George’s remote control breaks down so Stuart has to steer George’s boat and Stuart wins. And then Stuart’s fake mom and dad come to pick Stuart up. Then George wants Stuart back, so they put up signs and Stuart comes back.



8/24/02 Saturday


Last week I read a book called “Bunnicula”. It’s a rabbit tale of mystery written by Deborah and James Howe. The story starts when two boys went to a Dracula movie, and found a little black and white bunny. They took him home and named him Bunnicula. They had a pet cat called Chester and a pet dog called Harold. Chester thought there was something strange about Bunnicula. For one thing, the black markings looked like a little cape. And second, Chester found white vegetables with drained dry with two little teeth marks in them. So Chester wanted to warn people but no one knew what he was doing. So he was going to get rid of Bunnicula. He put out garlic around Bunnicula’s cage so Bunnicula didn’t run out. Chester read a book about vampires he read about putting a steak on a vampire’s heart. Chester put a steak on Bunnicula’s heart when he was asleep. But Chester got in trouble ruining the family’s dinner. So he had to stay outside all day. When Chester was aloud in, he splashed water on Bunnicula. One day they took Bunnicula to the vet the docter said that Bunnicula was supposed to eat carrot juice. So they took Bunnicula home. So they became friends and lived happily ever after.



September 1, 2002 Sunday


Today I am going to Huntsville, Alabama. It took 5 hours to get there. On the way we passed Tuscaloosa, Birmingham, and Decatur. And Brenda got carsick and stomach pain and she cried. She took some little brown pills and seemed a little better. When we arrived at the US space and rocket center, Brenda needed a rest first. So dad and I went into the museum, and got a glow-in-the-dark stamp. Dad and I stuck our heads in the globes and saw many rockets. Then I watched part of the movies while dad looked at the space suits. Then we went outside and dad watched me getting on the Luna Landing Module. It goes up quickly and bounces down a bit, and down, down, down. It goes up again and repeats three times. I rode it many times. And then I went on the G-Force Accelerator. It spins and makes you heavy. Dad came with me on the second time. But dad experienced the heaviness and didn’t want to do it again. Then Brenda and mom came along and we rode the G-Force Accelerator together. Mom didn’t want to ride it again because felt like dad.


Then we got back inside and I waited for the Mars Mission. When I got in there was a movie inside. I got zapped into a Martian roller coaster. It felt I was really in a Martian roller coaster. After that we searched for a hotel. We stayed at Kings Inn for the night. The next morning I got worried because nearly ran out of gas. We finally bought some gas and drove back to Starkville straight away. It was a really tiring trip but really fun.



9/2/02 Saturday


This week I read a book called “The Ghost Next Door” written by R.L. Stine. It’s about a girl named Hannah. The story begins when Hannah has a dream about a fire in which she died. And a weird boy moves in next door. But Hannah didn’t see him moving in. The boy next door was playing with a tennis ball, but it got stuck on the roof. So he climbed a ladder, got the ball, and fell off without a sound. Hannah thought he was a ghost, but Hannah was really is a ghost herself. One day the boy’s friends put a fire on a house. The boy was stuck in the house and his friends ran out of the house. Hannah went into the house and saved the boy. The boy went to the hospital. The boy’s mom asked the boy how he got out of the fire. The boy said “the girl next door saved me”. His mother said “there is no girl next door”, and the boy replied “Hannah Fairchild saved me”. They recovered in the hospital and went home.



10/5/02 Saturday


This week I read a book called “Attack of the Grave Yard Ghouls” written by R.L. Stine. It’s about a boy named Spencer. He goes on a trip to a graveyard and accidentally knocks down a double gravestone. The gravestone says “disturb our grave at your own peril”. The gravestone belongs to Oswald and Martin Manse. Spencer leaves his brother Jason’s Barney Bag at the graveyard because it is time to go. And then at night Spencer realizes he has left the bag at the graveyard. So he calls his friend, Audra to come with him to get his brother’s bag. When they get there, Frank and Buddy, the school bully’s tie Spencer up, and Audra goes for help. Frank and Buddy ran away. Then Oswald Manse came out of his knocked down grave, and goes in Spencer’s body. He leaves Spencer’s head and Spencer is a body less ghoul. When Audra comes back, Spencer’s parents untie the true ghoul, and take him home. Then lots of rats come, and Spencer takes over its body, and tries to find his mom and dad on the way. Rat Spencer sees his pet cat Duke and turns into him and climbs a window into his house. Cat Spencer sees ghoul Spencer eating a lot of food and ghoul Spencer puts Cat Spencer into the basement and closes the door. Cat Spencer sees a spider and turns into it and goes under the basement door to his brother Jason’s room and turns into Jason Spencer. Jason Spencer gets outside and goes to the graveyard. And sees Audra Ghoul tied to a gravestone. And a black Labrador comes through the graveyard gate and Jason Spencer wants ghoul Audra to turn into the dog. Audra turns into the dog. Jason Spencer sees a thing that says “DEFEAT DEATH ONLY BY LIVING”. So Dog Audra and Jason Spencer go to Spencer’s house and Oswald and Martin Manse try to break things, and are breaking things in Spencer’s house. But then Jason wants his body back so and starts to take over his own body. Then Spencer starts moving and ends up doing a dance. And Oswald and Martin disappear. And Spencer Audra change into bodies but make a mistake because Spencer turns into Audra and Audra turns into Spencer.



10/20/02 Saturday


This week I read a book called “Monster Blood IV” written by R.L. Stine. This book is about when Andy finds a can of Monster Blood and Kermit opens it the can making the sticky blue goo starts to wobble. The goo turns into blue slug-like things. It slithers near the hose and turns it on and starts drinking until it popped. Andy, Kermit, and Even try to catch the goo monsters before they multiply too much. Even, Andy, and Kermit try to stop the goo monsters. The goo monsters go all over school, on lawns drinking everything. Police come while the goo monsters eat eachother until the last one dies. While they are walking home, they see a man in a suit. The man asks them if they have seen goo monsters. They say yes. The man says to bring the can. The man tells them he has invented the goo monsters. And they go home.



11/2/02 Saturday


Today I read a book called “You Can’t Scare Me” by R.L. Stine. Eddie and his friends Hat, Charlene, and Molly go on a field trip Greene Forest. Their teacher gives them a paper with wildlife and plant life. Courtney isn’t scared of anything because she has two bees on her palm. One bee climbs on her arm. Lots of kids gather around her. Courtney throws a bee at Hat and Eddie. Hat screams. So Eddie, hat, Charlene, and Molly wanted to plan vengeance. Their plan was to get a tarantula from the science room and put it in container. Eddie and Hat sneaked into the science room and Hat puts a tarantula into the container. They go to the gym and stand on the balcony. Molly and Charlene are talking to Courtney under the balcony. Hat drops the spider and it lands in Molly’s hair with a plop. When Eddie goes home he asks his brother if he can borrow his suit. He says yes. So Molly tells Courtney to come to Muddy Creek. When Courtney gets to Muddy Creek mud monsters come. Eddie, Hat, Courtney, Charlene, and Molly scream.



11/16/02 Saturday


This week I read a book called “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” by J.K. Rowling, which was illustrated by Mary Grandpre. It’s about a boy named Harry whose mother and father got murdered by Voldemort. Harry was one year old when Voldemort killed Lily and James Potter and tried to kill Harry but didn’t succeed. Vodemort left a scar on Harry’s forehead. After Lily and James Potter died, Harry got sent to live with his aunt and uncle. Harry slept in the cuboard under the stairs. It was Harry’s  cousin Dudley’s birthday and they went to the zoo. At the zoo a snake winked at Harry. And Dudley fell through the glass. One day lots of letters came through the chimney so Harry’s uncle decided to leave to a hut on a rock. At night a big man named Hagrid came and took Harry to the Hogwarts Express. On the Hogwarts Express, Harry made two friends named Ron Weasley and Hermoine Granger. At Hogwarts, the Sorting Hat put Ron, Hermoine, and Harry into Griffindor. When Harry was doing flying lessons, a Slytherin stole some ones ball and threw it. Harry got on his broomstick and caught the ball. A teacher saw Harry catching the ball and took Harry to a Fifth Year called Oliver Wood. The teacher said she found a seeker for the Quidditch Team. When Harry caught the Golden Snitch one day, Harry got lost and found a door to the out-of-bounds.



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