
今 n 老大要贴ji

(2009-09-10 12:39:45) 下一个
8226; LET me repeat: Dont ever touch C/FNM/FRE/AIG! [大千股坛] - not2weak(6 bytes ) (142 reads)2009-09-10
8226; 回复:我觉得这样的呼吁应该伴随着详细理由才有说服力。 [大千股坛] - not2weak(85 bytes ) (51 reads)2009-09-10
8226; TLT/FXE 。。。表明大的问题。。。 [大千股坛] - not2weak(0 bytes ) (17 reads)2009-09-10
8226; ¥CPC WEIRD [大千股坛] - not2weak(0 bytes ) (2 reads)2009-09-10
8226; 其实你们最近在股票上得到的比美元损失的多 [大千股坛] - not2weak(65 bytes ) (115 reads)2009-09-10
8226; 这破东西我这里很便宜的,天天吃也没几个钱啊 [大千股坛] - not2weak(0 bytes ) (4 reads)2009-09-10
8226; $4.99/lbs ... a lot here. I am afrraid of high Cholestrol [大千股坛] - not2weak(0 bytes ) (3 reads)2009-09-10
8226; You should try to eat more fishes: Cod, bass etc. [大千股坛] - not2weak(31 bytes ) (20 reads)2009-09-10
8226; TLT UP HUGE!!! Sth. will happen I bet [大千股坛] - not2weak(0 bytes ) (7 reads)2009-09-10
8226; N2W策略大揭秘。。。(朋友进) [大千股坛] - not2weak(75 bytes ) (238 reads)2009-09-10
8226; 回复:N2W策略大揭秘。。。(朋友进) [大千股坛] - not2weak(53 bytes ) (56 reads)2009-09-10
8226; Citibank should also be delisted IMHO [大千股坛] - not2weak(72 bytes ) (78 reads)2009-09-10
8226; Sent emails to NYSE/SEC 要求考虑HALT AIG/FNM/FRE [大千股坛] - not2weak(72 bytes ) (121 reads)2009-09-10
8226; nyselistings@nyse.com [大千股坛] - not2weak(0 bytes ) (1 reads)2009-09-10
8226; 回复:你还挺认真的! [大千股坛] - not2weak(403 bytes ) (37 reads)2009-09-10
8226; Yes, please do that to humilate them - [大千股坛] - not2weak(0 bytes ) (3 reads)2009-09-10
8226; 谁都知道市场无法HOLD在这里, 任凭GS操纵 [大千股坛] - not2weak(43 bytes ) (169 reads)2009-09-10
8226; 突然DOW跌了1000点 [大千股坛] - not2weak(40 bytes ) (183 reads)2009-09-10
8226; 做多的, 使用DITM卡我烤.... [大千股坛] - not2weak(0 bytes ) (6 reads)2009-09-10
8226; Breaking news!! [大千股坛] - not2weak(97 bytes ) (309 reads)2009-09-10
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