
Out from IMF and sundry

(2009-07-31 09:19:48) 下一个
URL: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=aVY5gFyU_mSk


...officials should be prepared to inject more monetary and fiscal stimulus should the rebound falter, the International Monetary Fund said.

[IMF suggesting beginning of end to be a foolish proposition? or foolishly early one? Takers?]

“If downside risks materialize, additional credit easing and a strengthened commitment to maintaining a highly accommodative monetary stance could be considered,” the IMF’s board said in a statement released today. “Additional fiscal stimulus could also be used, although the immediate focus should be on implementing the current fiscal measures and monitoring their impact.

[So far, our monetary stance is not highly accommodative, or not highly enough?]

A transfer to the U.S. Treasury of the Federal Reserve’s so-called Maiden Lane companies, the three entities it set up in 2008 to hold investments acquired in the rescues of Bear Stearns Cos. and American International Group Inc., “would reduce its exposure to credit risk,” the IMF said.

[No comment, unless you have one.]

[Oh, by the way, is the dollar supporting its prop? I guess you support by being from underneath. Maybe I am wrong.]
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