
210 Game

(2010-02-28 13:12:22) 下一个

210 Game

(PW) willing, ready

Okay, you want to make plans to go to China? Okay, I’m game.


(MW) Main Entry: 3game Function: adjective  Date: 1610

1 a : having or showing a resolute unyielding spirit b : willing or ready to proceed
2 : of or relating to game

game·ly adverb

game·ness noun



Having a resolute, unyielding spirit, like the gamecock; ready to fight to the last; plucky.



pertaining to or composed of animals hunted or taken as game or to their flesh.

having a fighting spirit; plucky.

Informal. having the required spirit or will (often fol. by for or an infinitive): Who's game for a hike through the woods?

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