
095 Chalk up

(2010-01-01 05:16:24) 下一个

Chalk up

(PW) record, score

Chalk up another one for the team.  They won the championship.


Main Entry: chalk up

Function: transitive verb

Date: 1826

1 : ascribe, credit <chalked up his failures to inexperience>
2 : attain, achieve <chalk up another victory>


: chalk something up to something else also chalk something up to something else

to say that something is caused by something else

She doesn't even bother to say thank you, but I just chalk it up to bad manners and try not to let it bother me.

: vb (tr, adverb) Informal

1. to score or register (something) we chalked up 100 in the game

2. (Economics, Accounting & Finance / Accounting & Book-keeping) to credit (money) to an account etc. (esp in the phrase chalk it up)


Meaning: To achieve something good

Example: The company has CHALKED UP its highest ever profits.



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