
019 Backbone

(2009-10-17 05:35:04) 下一个




(PW) courage

He has no backbone because he was afraid to reprimand her.



1 : spinal column, spine
2 : something that resembles a backbone: as a : a chief mountain ridge, range, or system b : the foundation or most substantial or sturdiest part of something c : the longest chain of atoms or groups of atoms in a usually long molecule (as a polymer or protein) d : the primary high-speed hardware and transmission lines of a telecommunications network (as the Internet)
3 : firm and resolute character


(GoEnglish) Firmness; moral principle; steadfastness.

Shelley's thought never had any backbone. --Shairp.



take the easy road
You can go for glory, or you can take the easy way out.
He took the path of least resistance - He avoided all difficulties.
The dictator should've taken the easy way out and succumb to the concessions, but he made it hard for himself by resisting, and it cost him his life.
He always takes the paved road. - He played it safe. He took no chances. be conservative

end of the gravy train; the easy road; a free ride; a free lunch.
He won't be riding the gravy train any more once new ownership comes in and cleans out all this inefficient middle management.
He usually snivels his way out of tough situations. He's spineless. He has no backbone. He's chicken.

to jump ship - to abandon, to give up, to fold
The easy way out would've been to jump ship as the company's stock started to plummet, but he stuck it out to the bitter end.

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