
钓鱼岛的问题应该有个解决了, 如果说100多年前我们没有实力,几十年前我们没有时间,今天应该没有太大障碍了。船长的回来不是问题结束,恰恰是问题的开始,这种靠武力抓人之举,和当年918伪称丢兵如出一辙。 什么球在中方,一切都在中方!道歉和赔偿已经是最低限,难

又是一个 911

(2011-09-11 20:10:09) 下一个
911 事件已经过去 10 年, 然而这个日子仍然是罩在全世界人们头上的一顶黑伞,遮住了阳光,压抑了魂灵。 这个日子已经成为每个人都都要经历的血与火的炼狱。 无论是恐怖袭击,抑或是战争状态,钢铁和火药一旦被扭曲了的灵魂操纵带给人们的就只有流血和死亡,而死亡又是人们永远不忍正面。 这几天找到了 911 后发给美国一对夫妇朋友的慰问回信,因为没有征询同意与否,所以隐去姓名贴出来希望读者有机会了解当时美国老百姓的心态:Dear xx and xx,Thank you for writing us with such concern. Yes, we are daily in a stateof shock and grief over what has happened in New York and in our nation'scapital. Maybe the terrorists wanted to bring America to its knees; Idon't know. But if that is the case, they have literally succeeded. Night after night churches of all faiths are holding prayer vigils in theChicago area and all over the nation. It is so comforting to hear from friends and loved ones at such aterrible time. We Americans are not used to having war come directly toour own soil and to experience firsthand the turmoil and devastation thatit brings. God help us all. Hate breeds more hate. We believe that Godcalls us to compassion and forgiveness though that is very difficult atsuch a time as this. We wonder, too, when and if the violent acts ofterror will ever end. It is very frightening for all our citizens, notknowing when or where the enemy may strike next. However, as Christians,we believe that God is still in control and that we can turn to Him inour need. We pray that as Americans we will work harder at trying tounderstand the reasons for this intense hatred of our country, and thatall peace-loving Americans will do their utmost to ease the tensions thatexist between our country and those who resent us and want to see uspunished. The mood of our country is to go to war, and, while Iunderstand our deep need to feel secure within our own borders, I praythat we will not find ourselves doing to them what they have done to us. God forgive them, for they know not what they do!Here in Markham, we feel fairly safe, though security is tighter in thegreater Chicago area, and our busy international O'Hare Airport has beenshut down since Tuesday. We have not yet sold our house and wonder ifthat is really important to worry about right now, in the light of allthe recent happenings. The school where I am doing some substituteteaching was closed yesterday as were some others. Tuesday was one ofthe darkest days in our history, and there may be other dark days ahead. Thank God that His great love holds us secure no matter what may behappening around us!Blessings to you and your family! We will stay in touch.Your good xx friends,xx and xx
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