2011 (42)
2013 (29)
2025 (2)
老二一直生活在哥哥的影子下,所以想出人头地的想法应该是很强烈的。我跟他说过不要什么都跟哥哥比,因为你们各有特点。 哥哥比较有艺术细胞,弟弟的耐力更好。所以自从上了英文学校后,学校的功课非常尽心尽力,尤其是数学。 暑假我给兄弟俩一模一样的数学试卷,只有一两次哥哥的分数比弟弟高,其他几次都是弟弟的成绩远远超过哥哥,而弟弟现在5年级,哥哥7年级。
周一的晚上,进他们的学校看看,看到一则消息,其中有一段是专门表扬弟弟的, 拿来显摆一下:
Congratulations to Benny, 5F, who achieved even higher scores in Math Man multiplication to 64. Benny is not only improving his skills, but he is PROVING that Math Attack! has a positive impact on math skills. A million thanks, Benny, and thank you for being an inspiration to other students!
I am Benny’s English teacher. I just wanted to send you a quick note to tell you how much I enjoy having Benny in the class. He is really a wonderful boy. He is always polite to everyone, both in the class and outside of the school. He works hard and is a great student. I just thought you might like to know that we all appreciate his hard work and great attitude.