
Eco-Friendly Fashion – Organic Clothing

(2009-09-21 12:10:02) 下一个

Cottonis the most popular fabric that can be used for all different types ofclothing, but traditional farming for conventional cotton requires lotschemicals and is hard on the environment. As public awareness of ourenvironmental issues being raised, organic cotton becomes sustainablefabric that is widely used for clothing and is grown without toxins,synthetic fertilizers or any other harsh chemical ingredients that cancause skin rashes or allergies. Organic cotton makes a big differenceto the environment and our health, since half of clothing in the worldis made from either organic or conventional cotton. Nowadays, organicclothing with a wide selection of styles and types is available in manystores and online businesses throughout the world.

Buying organic clothing makes our life greener and healthier. Mostof clothing is made from conventional cotton and dyed with differentcolors that contain toxins. Many people believe that organic cotton,without any chemicals, is easier on human skin than conventionalcotton. Organic clothing is now available in the market with non-toxicdyes. Organic cotton is also a perfect alternative for people who havesensitive skin or chemical sensitivities. In the U.S., farmers growcotton with more advanced and scientific methods that are better forour planet.

Advanced agricultural methods can help sustain the land. Instead ofusing synthetic fertilizers, organic cotton uses frequent crop rotationmethods and cover crop strategies to keep the soil healthy andproductive. To get rid of all insects, farmers use their naturalenemies to kill insects, and lure them away from cotton. By doing this,we will get 100% natural organic cotton without any harmful chemicals.In the U.S., organic products, based on certain regulations, must becertified by government agencies, such as the US Department ofAgriculture (USDA).

When it comes fashion, more and more mainstream brands and high-enddesigners are aware of environmental issues and start organic clothinglines. You can find a wide variety of organic clothing selections frombaby to adult in department stores, specialty stores, organic stores orfarmers markets. Best of all, the cost of organic material is about 20%- 40% lower than chemically dyed cotton.

According to some studies, each organic shirt you purchase, 4 ouncesof chemicals are prevented from entering the environment. It soundslittle, but it becomes a big thing if more people purchase organicclothing. Doing what you can do to help our environment and have agreen life.


This article originally posted at Exchange For Green

As a green innovator and entrepreneur, Nan Gabriel founded Exchange For Greenin 2009. The ultimate goal for Exchange For Green is to help familiesand individuals archive their “Green” goals by reducing living expensesand waste, sharing green experience and keeping things out of landfills.


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