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Where Fabulous Lives- Hillwood Museum and Garden

(2011-03-16 11:14:23) 下一个
Where Fabulous Lives- Hillwood Museum and Garden

这是我去的地方,整个过程‘WOW’字不断,因我要赶回去接送小孩,只停了很短的时间,没看够,买了membership,准备再去。Marjorie Merriweather Post, the Post cereal empire 唯一的继承人和外交官的妻子。长住前苏联多年,收集无数的俄国/法国的皇家精品,她的瓷器都是每年只用一次的。数不过来的油画,她最后要请一CURATOR。我只能说。Wow, money and taste, all in one place。除了是个有名的艺术收藏家,她还是一精明的生意人,社交家,各国元首都都访问过她的家.到最后她觉得她的私人收藏应当属于'the country'.她的DC家包括私人收藏,全部送给the Smithsonian。除了一月,全年都开放。花园到春天以后特别漂亮。四月后去要预定。

Founded by American collector and heiress to the Post cereal empire Marjorie Merriweather Post, Hillwood Estate, Museum & Gardens is one of the premier art collector's museums in the United States. The museum features the most comprehensive collection of Russian imperial art outside of Russia and a world-renowned collection of eighteenth-century French decorative art and furnishings. The collection includes Fabergé eggs, Russian porcelain, Russian Orthodox icons, Beauvais tapestries, and Sèvres porcelain. Encircled by woodlands, the twenty-five acre estate provides visitors a tranquil oasis of luscious formal gardens.


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