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Service charge explanation [装修服务费参考]

(2024-01-29 00:53:27) 下一个

Service charge explanation

Inspection and quote visit service

不要祈求會有免費的服務 。所有免費的服務 , 其實已經把成本加在報價裡面 。 有的是採取平均法 , 有的是採取加倍法 。所以你時常會碰到有的估價人員 , 願意給你一個折讓 , 但是要求你立刻把這個工作交給他 。
If you expect a FREE estimate or consultant service for marketing prices, you make a big mistake(s). Nothing is for free in the USA except the bait. All service providers have added the business costs on the charges, either average and add-on to the prices or increase the quote to avoid the loss. It is the normal deal that the salesman or worker gives you a discount if you give the order to him/her at right then. Before making sure getting your job, no one will tell you the complete idea of what your problem is.

為避免被加徵估價費 , 你可以嘗試將需要的服務 , 在電話裡面就說清楚 , 必要的時候 , 配合相片或者是影片 。或者是直接找到殷實的商家 , 他們的報價 , 公開-直接-清楚 , 針對你所需要的服務 , 收取合理的費用 。沒有人會在不確定可以得到你的生意之前 , 給你做完整的解說 。
To avoid the quote visit charge, you may either state the details, w/ photos/video, in advance or hire a faithful service provider to serve you. You will pay what you get if you hire a right person AND KNOW THEIR PRICE(labor rate) in advance, pay the necessary service with a fair price.

Work visit trip

工作者會把往返的時間和汽車的消耗 , 加在收費裡面 。因此應該盡量尋找當地的服務商 。雖然有些廠商採用均價法 , 不再收里程費 , 但這對本地的消費者不公平 。
The time wasted on the road will be add on the bill. So you shall hire the local service providers if you can. Some service providers charge the flat price without adding the extra mileage fee which is not fair to you if you can get a local service provider's service, or you are near him/her.

為何需要考量里程費?因為交通上消耗的時間 , 直接就減少了25%的工作收入 。 比如說 , 每小時$100 , 每天8小時 , 做250天 , 數學上得到年收入是 $200,000 , 事實上實際收入可能是 $150,000。如果工作沒有持續 , 中間有空檔 , 那麼收入會變的更低 。 如果考慮到被叫回去修改 , 或者是說需要多跑一趟 , 那麼實質的收入就會變得更低 。這也就是為什麼 , 當工作做錯了 , 或者是做的不好 , 而工作者擺爛也不會回去做售後服務的原因 。
Why the visit trip should be considered and charged? Why should you hire a local worker?
Here is the answer: the final income will be taken off 25% which is caused by the service visiting directly. This means a hourly labor rate of $100/hour, 8 hours/day, 250 days/year having a math result of $200,000 / year. But the real income might be no more than $150,000/year(depends on the services types are offered) if one has worked for fully time without any waiting hours. If the possible of call back or extra visit, the net income must be lesser because of more time is wasted. THIS IS THE REASON WHY SOME WORKERS WILL NOT COME BACK TO CORRECT MISTAKES, NO MATTER HOW MUCH WAS OVER-CHARGED ON YOU.

Time been wasted to reach the work site

時間就是金錢 。 工作者不會平白的將時間損失在 - 行走 - 爬樓梯 - 等待開門 - 登記進入社區 - 或者是費力尋找你的住家 ..... 等等。 如果有任何的上述狀況 , 你的帳單可能會變得比較貴。
The time is the money. One will not waste time on taking a long walk, up to 2nd or 3rd floor, waiting you open the door/gate, registering at the entrance, looking for your site,...and etc. You shall expect the higher bill if worker should meet any of those condition.

Weekend or holiday

要求在週末及假日工作 , 收費會增加一些 。 即使工作者把週末及假日安排為他的工作日 , 因為工作量較少 , 所以相對的收費也就會變得高一些 。
People may have their plan or family time after work. Normally the charge will be more if you request a service on these days. Mostly, a worker could not get enough cases in the weekend or holidays which caused the extra/higher labor rates.

Urgent service in 90 minutes

特定的緊急行程 , 一定會打斷當時的工作 , 以及時間上的浪費 , 產生額外的加價。
某些服務人員專門針對緊急案件服務 , 所以他們的收費比較高 。
This means a dedicated trip, and schedule disturbance. The worker may face the late, canceled, and rescheduling condition on his/her original leads. You might pay for more for this situation.
Or, some workers offer the fast service that lesser cases can be gotten. The service providers must charge a higher labor rate to cover the waiting time.

Urgent service in 180 minutes

原因同 E 。加價較少, 是因為時間上比較有彈性 。
The same reason follow the term E. above but more flexible. So the extra charge is lesser.

Post hours, 1900 - 2100

非正常工作時段 , 如同夜間值班, 收費較高 。
This is the over-time work and may mess up worker's life. The same of night shift worker, their pay will be more than normal day time charge.

Night time, 2100 - 0730

半夜特別出工 , 另外加收費用 。
The grave time service or waking up for you, means you shall pay extra money for solving your emergent condition/problem.

Price match

為了提供最好的服務 , 讓客戶不需要浪費時間去詢價 , 能夠放心的下單 , 除了工作品質 , 負責保用之外 , 價格當然必須為合理的 。 對相同的服務品質以及服務條件 , 價格一定是最低的 。如有服務商提供更低的價格 , 將立即更新價目 , 一定將日後的訂單 , 轉交給他們做 , 或者是用調整後的價格接單 , 並且對最先提供資訊的消費者 , 退回差價 , 但是不會對其他的消費者 , 做回溯的價格調整 。
For making consumer having the best CP service, the reasonable and lowest market service charge shall be honored. This is also one the rules to make businesses having their business growth and forwarding.
A continuous working period shall not follow the labor rate which considers the time wastes and the trip hours, so a charge for a longer time work will be adjusted, like 2.5+ hours cases.

Multiple work, share time

加總多項工作之後 , 累加的工作時間 , 一定超出實際工作時間 , 應該給予合適的調整 。
It always is overpriced for listing prices. For the loyal customers or long term contracted customers, the over-charged portion shall be waived to maintain the strongly built relationship. Because these customers accept the price amendments which is a fair deal.

Maximum charge / Price adjustment

如同上述 J , 比較複雜的工作 , 還是必須要做價格上限的調整 。
About the same of term J. above. A complicated job might cause a higher total than it shall be, if the sum is gotten from multiple items. A fair charge shall consider the faithful idea on the charge.

Preparation fees (minimum)

針對不同的案例 , 可能需要準備特別的工具 , 或者是採購需要的材料 。
多數的服務商 , 不把這一項分列出來 , 不是不收 , 而是直接加到估價裡面 。
The workers may not have all parts/materials on hand. Even they have them ready which means the stocked up costs on time and money. The purchase visit costs time for sure which will be paid by customer for sure.
NO preparation fee from some service providers? They charge you on the balance without itemizing it.


物料的成本並不是指實際使用的材料的買入價格 , 必須加入"換貨/退貨/超量購買/損耗" 產生的成本增加 , 還有時間消耗 。對於儲備常用的零附件 , 備貨的成本 , 還有管理和損耗 , 也是考量在成本裡面 。
The parts on a replacement case shall not be valued by its taxed cost only. The refund work, an additional trip for purchasing, damages, the wastes, left over from one package, or take off and return the defect parts will cause the increase of the costs on supplies. The inventory also costs the worker.

Labor rate: per minutes

參考當地生活物價 , 以及時間的損耗 , 倒推出來 , 以分鐘為單位 , 便於計算 。
必須考慮當地的供需狀況而作必要的調整 。

原作者 安怡中 


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