
修fence 的烦脑

(2010-01-14 10:33:19) 下一个
我家背面的fence在圣诞期间被吹倒了。以前背面邻居是个高高大大的美国人。Fence 以前到过一次,他二话没说,把fence竖了起来。我想这次他也会这样做。我一点也不操心。

算盘打错了。那个高高大大,勤勤快快的邻居几个月前搬走了。一个年轻的单身女人买了他的房子,成了我的背面邻居。我到了这个年轻女人的妈跨过到下的fence, 敲我家的后门,才知道我有了新邻居。

这个年轻女人的妈敲开我家的后门,对我说:We talked to HOA. HOA said the fence is the responsibility of whoever the fence is facing. 我马上说:No, it’s common sense. We share the fence. We share the responsibility. 我还进一步说:The fence on my left isn’t fencing me. I took care of it after IKE. 她说:No, it should be their responsibility since the fence is facing them. 我说:It doesn’t work that way. Both parties need privacy.
So we should share the responsibility.

最后她同意她和我各找个报价,我们share the responsibility (cost). 我们彼此留了电话。过了几天,我打电话给她,问她有没有报价。她说她这几天很忙。她又开始说 HOA 说是我的责任,并说我应该要那个邻居来承担cost since last time they didn’t pay. 我有点茫然,我那个邻居不相干。我说:it’s between me and them. Now we are talking about us, the fence between us. 她又坚持根据HOA是我的责任。我说:If you have that page, I would like to take a look. 她说:You can call HOA. 我说:I don’t need to. Commen sense tells me we share the fence. We share the responsibility. 然后我告诉她我得到的报价。她说:That’s too high. 我说:I know. You are welcome to get another cost. I would like to have a better cost,too. 她说:It’s your responsibility. You should get the cost.

交涉无果,我意识到她就是不愿承担责任。我决定只做minimum repair. 昨天上午叫了俩个人做简单的修复。不久接到她的电话。从ID看是她,不太想接电话。估计她有话说。她既然不出钱,也就无须听她的。但最后还是接了。

她说她在她女儿的家帮她打扫卫生。我应付地说她是个好妈妈。她又说她刚和我的两个工人谈过。他们同意replace the whole fence for 500。我说:That’s awesome. 她又说:It’s really your responsibility. 我说:No, everyone I talked to, they say it’s shared responsibility. Some people even went to court for this. Charge also says it’s shared responsibility. 今天她不是那么fighting. 她说:If that’s Ok with you, I pay 250, you pay 250, do you want to replace the whole fence? 我说:I would love to. 我本来就是这样打算的,何况她的cost 比我的好得多。她又说:Let me talk to my daughter, see what she says, then I’ll let you know.

几分钟后,她又打回来说: My daughter said since the pretty side)smooth side) of the fence faces you, you should pay more. 我说:it really doesn’t bother pretty or urgly. All I care is privacy. If it’s big deal to her, she can have the pretty side. She sounds like a pretty little girl. 很快地她说:OK。 Let me talk to the guys.

我没介入他们的negociation.因为既然是她在和the guys work out the deal , 那两个工人知道她对他们负责。最后我被告知两个工人第二天上午开工, 也就是今天
上午。 她会在今天上午9:30到现场。

俩个工人今天上午打电话给我,说是去买材料。等他们把材料运到,正好下大雨。他们决定明天在干。到了11:00她没到,也没电话。 我给两个工人大电话。要他们明天没收到她的payment 之前不要开工。希望她不要再change mind. 文章结尾时,我还没接到她的电话。希望我的预感是错的。

Things can be so easy if we are all reasonable and work together.
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乐乐柔板 回复 悄悄话 HD has vinyl fence. It last long long time. I bought the one its both sides are same, very beautiful. My left and back neighbors are happy.
Of course, I paid every thing.