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好书推荐:“Between Shades of Gray” by Ruta Sepetys

(2016-04-23 16:30:34) 下一个

90年代初苏联解体前后,突然常在新闻里听到立陶宛、爱沙尼亚、拉脱维亚这几个国家的名字(合称波罗地海三小国)。 1989年8月23日,正值臭名昭著的1939年‘苏德互不侵犯条约’签订五十周年之际,三国人民约2百万人手牵手连成一个跨越国界、长达600公里的人链,参加人数达三国人口的40%,这就是著名的‘Baltic Way’人民长城。 此举震撼全球,三国向世界宣告被苏德出卖、被俄国攻占50年的历史遭遇,倾诉追求独立自由的呼声。 6个月后,立陶宛成为首位宣告独立的苏联加盟共和国,拉开了苏联解体的序幕,另外两国和其他共和国也纷纷加以效仿。 当时我在台湾读中学,新闻画面里,面对苏俄坦克和大兵,立陶宛男女老幼牵手上街头,勇敢而坚毅,连远在台湾的我们都感同身受。 那时台湾的政治刚开放民主,本省人第一次有机会入政,全岛陷入了政治狂热,台独的苗头也开始往上窜。 立陶宛的和平独立给了台湾一个莫大的鼓励和启示,众人拍手称快,连我家附近的红茶店都改名叫‘立陶宛小馆’。


作者Ruta Sepetys是立陶宛裔美国人,她的祖父和父亲是二战前期逃离立陶宛的难民。 从1939年到1945年短短六年间,波罗地海三小国先后被苏联、纳粹德国和苏联三次入侵,每次亡国都伴随着种族清洗,绝大部分社会精英和犹太人不是被屠杀就是被流放到集中营或者劳改营。 

描写纳粹迫害犹太人的作品不少,但关于东欧人民遭受斯大林政权奴役的作品却十分罕见。 在斯大林的恐怖统治下,被凌虐枉死的冤魂高达2千万,而其中受害最深但受人漠视的就是波罗地海三小国--三国失去了整整三分之一的人口! 数以百万计的无辜平民,包括Ruta Sepetys的亲人,被强行押解往西伯利亚劳改,家庭被拆散,其中一半人被折磨致死,少数幸存者一直到十几年后才准许回国,但家园财产早已被俄人侵占,而且还继续面临几十年的苏俄高压统治。 

"Between Shades of Gray" 就是以立陶宛人这段惨痛历史为背景,小说中的许多情节都是作者的亲人们的亲身经历。

1941年,15岁的Lina和父母及10岁的弟弟住在立陶宛的Kaunas,一家人过着幸福安逸的生活。 但这一切在6月的一个晚上被粗暴的敲门声击得粉碎。 在大学任职的父亲被关进监狱,而Lina与妈妈和弟弟被苏俄秘密警察从被子里揪出来抓走。 母子三人和一群同样命运的同胞一起,宛如牲畜般地被赶上运货牛羊的火车。 在暗无天日的闷罐车厢中度过了四十多天,每天只有一桶水和一桶稀粥,地上一个孔洞用来做厕所,每天都有人病死在恶劣的环境中,尸体就被苏俄官兵抛弃在车站。。。 最终这群不幸的人终于到达西伯利亚的阿尔泰劳改营,开始了惨无人道的劳改生活。

接下来面对的是更艰苦的生存环境,草菅人命的苏俄军官,饥饿、严寒、疾病、辱骂、和非人承受的奴役苦工。。。每人每天只有300克面包的口粮,完全不够填饱肚子。 面对非人的待遇,这群人又该怎样在是非颠倒的淤秽泥沼中保有人性的良知、生存的希望? 是屈服于施暴者的淫威? 出卖自己的灵魂和同伴而换取生存? 是深植愤恨的种子,等待机会以牙还牙? 是坚守自己的信仰和良心,即使对敌人仍心存慈悲? 

Lina有着过人的绘画天赋,她最喜欢挪威艺术家Edvard Munch,倾心于他笔下的真诚。 "Munch is primarily a lyric poet in color.  He feels colors, but does not see them.  Instead, he sees sorrow, crying, and withering."  在西伯利亚的每一天,sorrow, crying, and withering,就如Munch笔下的世界还原,在她的周围活生生地上演。 Lina偷偷地用画笔竭尽所能地见证这段暴行:那些绝望的苦楚面容、失去亲友的悲痛、无助的呐喊、恐惧之情、屈辱和悔恨、施暴者的邪恶嘴脸。。。也有同胞们的善良,在无边苦难中仍热烈的希望。。。人类最扭曲、最破碎、但也最真实的生命迹象,都被她忠实地记录下来,用小罐子做成时间胶囊,期待有朝一日真相大白于天下,不容青史尽成灰! 

因为顽固不肯承认莫须有的罪行,Lina一家被遣送到环境更为恶劣的北极。 他们搭建了简陋的土屋,但没有燃料和取暖设备,室内和室外一样寒冷。 每天早上都有冻僵或者饿死、病死的尸体,但由于极地苦寒如石头般坚硬,这些惨死的人甚至无法‘入土为安’,只能被抛尸荒野,这是何等惨绝人寰的情境!


“Was it harder to die, or harder to be the one who survived?  I was sixteen, an orphan in Siberia, but I knew.  It was the one thing I never questioned.  I wanted to live.  I wanted to see my brother grow up.  I wanted to see Lithuania again.  I wanted to see Joana.  I wanted o smell the lily of the valley on the breeze beneath my window.  I wanted to paint in the fields.  I wanted to see Andrius with my drawings.  There were only two possible outcomes in Siberia.  Success meant survival.  Failure meant death.  I wanted life.  I wanted to survive.” 

Lina的妈妈Elena特别令人敬佩。 即使在最严酷的环境里,她的善良和智慧,对孩子和所有人的爱,是那样闪光。 妈妈的慈爱叫Lina在严冬仍然能看到希望和光明,“A tiny sliver of gold appeared between shades of gray on the horizon.” 

“Evil will rule until good men or women choose to act. This testimony was written to create an absolute record, to speak in a world where our voices have been extinguished.  These writings may shock or horrify you, but that is not my intention.  It is my greatest hope that the pages in this jar stir your deepest well of human compassion.  I hope they prompt you to do some thing, to tell someone.  Only then can we ensure that this kind of evil is never allowed to repeat itself.” 

故事中最令我感动的是立陶宛人的坚毅。 在耶诞前夜同胞们齐聚一堂,畅谈各自的耶诞传统,细诉温馨的家园之爱,正是这样相护相守的同胞之情支持着彼此度过日复一日的苦难。 Nina为了寻找父亲,在手绢上绘画立陶宛的国鸟、守护神和传统刺绣图案,还有人们在车厢中大合唱立陶宛国歌。。。立陶宛人对于国家的爱和认同,对于身为立陶宛人的骄傲,实在是太催泪! 

读了这本书,我才深深明白立陶宛的独立和自由多么不容易。 作者写得很棒:

“Some wars are about bombing. For the people of the Baltics, this war was about believing. In 1991, after 50 years of brutal occupation, the three Baltic countries regained their independence, peacefully and with dignity. They chose hope over hate and showed the world that even through the darkest night, there is light.  Tell someone. These three tiny nations have taught us that love is the most powerful army. Whether love of friend, love of country, love of God, or even love of enemy - love reveals to us the truly miraculous nature of the human spirit.” 

"Between Shades of Gray"是作者第一本小说。 文字平白浅显,说好听是朴实无华,要挑剔就是不够优美精致。 不过本书类别归为‘青少年文学’,既然是给小朋友看的,就不要太苛求文笔了。 另外小说里的回忆篇章相当多,多到有点烦,这也是我不太喜欢的。 虽然故事极其凄惨,但作者的笔触敦厚温柔,读者也随着Lina成长,从仇恨的枷锁中挣脱升华为爱与宽恕,但绝不是遗忘。


“Have you ever wondered what a human life is worth? That morning, my brother's was worth a pocket watch.” 

“A wrongdoing doesn't give us the right to do wrong.”

“Krasivaya. It means beautiful, but with strength. Unique.” 

“Komorov thought he was torturing us. But we were escaping into a stillness within ourselves. We found strength there.” 

“Don't give them anything Lina, not even your fear.” 

“You stand for what is right, Lina, without the expectation of gratitude or reward.” 

“They were happy to help someone, to succeed at something, even if they weren't to benefit. We'd been trying to touch the sky from the bottom of the ocean. I realized that if we boosted one another, maybe we'd get a little closer.” 

“Papa said scientists speculated that from the moon, the earth looked blue. That night I believed it. I would draw it blue and heavy with tears.”


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