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女儿的作文“Number the Eiffels”

(2016-03-02 14:58:05) 下一个


Number the Eiffels by Rebecca 

The Sun's rays were glinting against my skin as we basked in the March air near the Eiffel Tower.  I could smell fresh-made crepes and sizzling treats frying.  The rich and creamy taste of my own delicious nutella and banana delicacy melted in my mouth.

Jingling my new Eiffel Tower key chains, I thought about what just happened.

Let me start from the beginning…

"How about that one?"  I ask, pointing at an African-French man.  My father jabs my finger to the floor, "It's rude to point." he huffs in my now cloudy ear.  Oopsie!!

When he nods his head, his gray(mostly gray) and black hair blend together like two colors of noodles mixing into each other.

We scamper towards him, his name, Jahmi.  "5 for 1 euro!" he's shouting.  My dad tries to bargain, even though the price is already really great.  He succeeds, making it 6 Eiffel Tower key chains for a euro.  Impressive!!

I start to choose my assortment of colors.  The first one is a beautiful bright, hot pink, the next, a tender grass green, then a blue the color of the sky, teal, green-blue, and last of all, a violet lilac.  

Just as Jahmi takes a golden sunlight yellow off of his huge chain for me -- that's carrying all the other chains-- he jerks his head up.  In surprise, my bewildered face glances up and follows his gaze.

In perfect unison, 3 police on bikes are headed straight towards us.  I smell their merciless revenge.  Jahmi, and all of the other African-French that are scattered around, start to sprint away.  At least 1000 sounds of clanking and key chains swarm in the air like bees making music.

I stare at the 5 beautiful Eiffels - the golden sunlight beams off of them like lasers - and then back at Jahmi and his group.  Feeling the smooth metal o the ridged edges and then looking back up.  The chase continues rapidly so I keep my eyes glued.

"Well Becca, I guess you got five for FREE!" My dad says with a grin coming from ear to ear.  It's then that I realize:  Dad never payed for the key chains.  Jahmi never gave me my 6th key chain either. 

"They're not really supposed to do that", a sudden female voice behind us makes me whip my smooth black hair around.  "Hi, I'm Kailey, this is John", she says motioning towards a man next to her, "and this is little Daniel." I suppose that he's her son.

"Because you have to pay taxes when you sell things, they get caught if they don't pay the money."  Kailey explains.

After she and her family left, we begin to find a creamy white taxi.

A few minutes (or hours) later…

We are taking a nice stroll and see a police car ("Popo" as my dad calls them).  There's an African-French in cuffs with them.

Moral: If you do what you're not supposed to, and you know not to, you'll pay for it sooner or later!

Dun, dun, duuuun.




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lepton 回复 悄悄话 回复 'shijin' 的评论 : 过奖啦。我家贝贝十岁了。以后多多交流妈妈经啦。
shijin 回复 悄悄话 回复 'lepton' 的评论 : 那是天才啦,妈妈的荣耀啊,我家的大概和你家的差不多吧。
lepton 回复 悄悄话 回复 'shijin' 的评论 : 是真人真事啊,她喜欢写作和写诗,大概读书多,就有写作的劲头吧。我们在家从来没有给她推过。谢谢你家小朋友的喜欢。小朋友几岁啦?
shijin 回复 悄悄话 哇,写这么好,我家小朋友说她怎么写得出来的?“Hi! You're really good at writing. It's a really good piece! hellokitty5 :)”,好了不起的妈妈哟。
lepton 回复 悄悄话 回复 'silverbug' 的评论 : 謝謝你的鼓勵。她的文字too much fluff,但是確實帶給我們很多歡笑。
silverbug 回复 悄悄话 Such fantastic writing, full of joy.