
lepton (热门博主)
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(2013-09-19 18:17:39) 下一个
You know that perfect woman in Proverbs 31? My friend and neighbor Hilary is the modern day Proverbs 31 woman. Seriously, she's the most diligent wife I know. Her house is like a page from the "Better Homes and Garden" magazine, but with so much more charm and warmth. Every time I stop by, it's always impeccably clean. From time to time, she freshens it up with seasonal decor and colors. Even my seven-year-old daughter Becca would comment, "Miss Hilary is sooo good at decorating!"

And that girl can cook! She has many many good recipes and loves to share with her friends.

She even mows the lawn and does the edging!

She's so fun! She's always doing fun activities with her three little ones. Just about every afternoon, she gathers the neighborhood kids to play in her front yard. She comes up with fun games and plans projects. Sometimes we'd go to a new park to explore. I admire how she pays attention to every single child, always giving them encouraging compliments.

She's a caring friend -- planning birthday gatherings for her friends, opening her home for luncheons and parties, volunteering to take care of others' kids, and sending neighbors' much-appreciated home cooked meals. She's always thinking of others.

Just like the Proverbs 31 woman, "she opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue." I always enjoy visiting with her. Her conversation is wise and gentle, her counsel is kind and loving.

I love her cheerfulness. My heart sings with joy whenever I see her.

As our women's bible study group leader, she serves us faithfully and always welcomes and cares for everyone.  Her heart for God is real and genuine. She's always eager to share her spiritual walk with her fellow sisters.

And yet she never pretends her life is all rosy. She's authentic and open about her challenges.

Oh you bet she has some major flaws too. Hilary doesn't like tomatoes!!! How could anyone not like tomatoes?!!!

And if you ever pay her any praises, oh no, she won't accept it. She's much too humble to receive praises.

"Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates."

Oh sweet Hilary, you're such a tremendous blessing!
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