推荐一下最近看的这个电影,the town。是Ben Affleck自导自演的。本来我对抢银行这种暴力片一点兴趣都没有,那些沉重灰暗的社会现实,让人觉得多么无力。可是开场不多久,我却被里面的爱情深深吸引住了。女主角Rebecca Hall真是我的茶啊,初看她并不是那种美艳不可方物的极品美女,却极有风韵,温婉而清丽, 令人心折。很自然,很成熟,但又很天真,漂亮而大方,一举一动都那么吸引人!

Doug MacRay: You know people get up everyday, tell themselves something's gonna change their lives. They never do. I'm gonna change mine. Why don't you do it with me?
Claire Keesey: Okay. Well, where would we go?
Doug MacRay: Come with me, I don't care. We can go wherever you want. I mean, you know, there's things...a few things you still don't know about me. Uh...
Claire Keesey: What do you mean?
Doug MacRay: I'd just understand if you have some reservations...you know. Between the kind of things people say about me and uh...things I'm not proud of, leave a lot of room.
Claire Keesey: I know who you are.
Doug MacRay: You do?
Claire Keesey: Yeah, I do. Yeah.
Doug MacRay: Does that mean you wanna go with me?
Claire Keesey: Yeah. Let's start now.
Doug MacRay: Okay.
最后小本的信里写,"I'll see you again, this side or the other."
太喜欢Rebecca Hall啦,现在去找她其他电影来看。小本老婆Jennifer Garner也是我喜欢的型,清丽优雅,小酒窝又那么透着邻家女孩子的天真甜蜜。