

(2009-04-05 22:17:47) 下一个

Aries (March 21 - April 20) HomeStrology Profile

Aries Astrological Sign
Your sign
Your sign is the first of the zodiac, so it's no wonder youare first to the finish line, the one to have the first (and last) wordin an argument and the first on your block to acquire the latestgadget. In your home, your sign represents the first thing we see,i.e., the facade (shutters, siding, shingles) and the entry hall.
Your planet
Mars, your ruling planet, is felt throughout your home. Hisathletic nature is seen in the importance of your workout room. Marsloves crafts and tools, which is why you feel right at home in thebasement, where you make things with your bare hands. Try to live up toMars' reputation as the "surgeon" of Mt. Olympus and keep yourworkspace as organized as an operating room.Your element
Fire best expresses your fiery and passionate nature. Italso explains your affinity with the fireplace and its iron rods. Someof you may lean towards wood-burning stoves, and outdoor grills alsodelight you -- be they brick or gas. You love candles, backyard torchesand even kerosene lamps.
Your color
Red! Fire engine red! It's not unusual for Aries to set anentire room ablaze with a red motif: red walls, red lampshades, redrugs. Or maybe a touch of red will do: throw pillows, red pictureframes or a single red rose. And of course, cherry wood is for you.
Your style
Like the Ram that symbolizes your sign, you like things outof your way, so a clear and uncluttered space is best for you. You havelittle patience for "things," so your home won't have too manyartifacts. The basics are just fine for you. The living room needs onlya sofa and chair, the bedroom requires only a bed, and so on. However,you do pay attention to detail when it comes to the workout room, whichyou furnish with the best and latest home-gym equipment. Yourcompetitive nature also manifests itself in the game room. Darts,anyone?
Your favorites
Anything made of metal holds a special place in yourheart—especially if it has a motor. For instance, ceiling fans weremade for you. In the kitchen, cutlery makes you coo. And in theworkroom, oh, what you can do with a power drill.
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