A group of words that does not have the three requirements for a
complete sentence is called a fragment or sentence fragment. A group of
words can be very short and still be a complete sentence or very long and still
be a fragment. In the writing you do on your own and on the Language Arts,
Writing Test, a fragment is an error that needs to be corrected.
Let’s look at some examples. See if you can tell which groups of words
are sentences and which are fragments. Write S or F on the line for each.
F Leaving the office at noon .
S The customer will be helped immediately.
S This apartment has been rented.
F The old graying dentist.
Did you write an F for fragment in the first and last word group? The first
group is missing a subject. Who is leaving the office at noon? The last group
does not have a predicate. It does not tell you what the dentist did.
The other two word groups are sentences. They have all three elements of
a complete sentence.
Directions: One group of words in each pair is a sentence and one is a
fragment. Write S or F on the appropriate line for each.
Example: S Working six days a week is hard on George.
F Working six days a week and getting tired.
1. F Time on our hands.
S We have time on our hands.
2. S The overtired baseball team next to the bus.
F The overtired baseball team next to the bus.
3. F While you were sleeping on the couch.
S While you were sleeping. We took your picture.
4. F The mileage on your car.
S The mileage on your car is low.
5. S Tom works at the front desk.
F Tom at the front desk of the hotel.
6. F The idea you had.
S The idea sounds good.