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Unit 1  Understanding Sentence Basics

What Is a Sentence?    1

Working with Sentences    3

Writer’s Note: Begin a Sentence with a Capital Letter   3

Writer’s Note: End a Sentence with a period     4

Writer’s Note: Using Capital Letters     7

Writer’s Note: Question Marks     8

Writer’s Note: Prepositions of Place- AT, ON, and IN       9

Writer’s Note: Exclamation Points         11

The Parts of a Sentence        15

Sentence Development: The Simple Sentence     15

Grammar and Sentence Structure: Subjects, verbs, and Objects  16

Grammar and Sentence Structure: The Verb Be     18

Writer’s Note: Using Supporting Ideas with

      There Is/There Are Sentences     22

Sentences in Paragraphs      24

Writer’s Note: Sentences and Paragraphs  24

Writer’s Note: The Title of  a Paragraph     25

Word Building      30

Building Better Sentence    30

Editing      33

Writer’s Note: Self-editing 33

Writer’s Note: Peer Editing for the Writer  33

Writer’s Note: Peer Editing for the Reader   34

Journal Writing   34

Writer’s Note: Journal Writing—Write, Write, Write!    34

Sample Journal     36

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