
以恬愉为务 以自得为功


(2012-03-14 18:31:12) 下一个

Dear ones, we come to tell you of the light we see emanating from your planet in an ever increasing intensity. So many are awakening and beginning to understand the bigger picture. So many are beginningto see through the lies and games of those who wish to keep you in bondage andignorant of your true selves . Do not get hung up on the fear and negativityyou may become aware of, but instead try very hard to use that which you becomeaware of for practice in keeping your energy and consciousness immersed intruth, for this is what will change world consciousness. Your energy of lightaffects those around you and then will affect the next for all are actuallyONE.


In oneness you do not lose your individuality, but beginto understand that all individuals are within and of the ONE. Many fear losingtheir individuality as they evolve because this concept has been presented insome teachings and when understood through an third dimensional consciousness,it could be interpreted that way. The truth is that each of you is a vitalpiece within the whole (Omnipresent Divine Consciousness) much like a jigsawpuzzle with each piece being very important.


The time is drawing very close when you will see and hearinformation directly, dear ones. Many of those watching, are awaiting the correct time to appear and help, but world energy is not yet ready. There are still many living in the old energy of fear, not quite ready to accept the reality of other nations upon other planets. Much is taking place that you knownothing about because your news does not tell you everything, however that willalso change.


This is a grand time for all privileged to be on earth.Many have come simply to assist in your transformation to a higher dimensionalplanet. Many of your children are here with no karma or third dimensionallessons to be learned, but simply to add their light to the process. Try not topush these unusual children into the conventional boxes that society oftenwishes to place people in, for in doing so you confuse and hold back these dearones. Much of what seems important to the third dimensional consciousness,resonates as obsolete and irrelevant to these evolved souls--however, not yetfully mature, they can't quite figure out why they are different. Parents needto understand that these children need love, acceptance, and guidelines. Nevertalk down to or use old outdated modes of discipline with them for this willcause them to simply shrink back from what they do not resonate with but alsodo not yet understand. Many of those termed "ADD" are simply bored asthey have already evolved beyond what they are expected to be learning in mostlyobsolete school systems.


We wish to talk to you about ascension. Many believe that ascension means a sudden lifting with lots of fan fare into a new world.Ascension is a gradual awakening process. As your consciousness becomesenlightened with ever more truth, it manifests as an ever more enlightenedworld. Your job is to keep practicing, which means living each truth you becomeaware of, centering within, and connecting with your higher selves throughmeditation. This process begins to bring all parts together as one--the higherself, soul, and individuality and this comprises your journey to becoming anenlightened being.


Meditation is important because it opens the door to yourhigher self and says, "I am ready, give me more". It demonstrates anintention to evolve and allows more truth and information to flow to you. Oftenan individual will experience some new awareness at a later date and often whenleast expected, but each new awareness represents the fruitage from the openingof spiritual channels through meditation. Mediation does not have to be thedifficult and structured experience that most of you have been taught. Thosetechniques were necessary in order to move a student from heavy thirddimensional energy into the higher frequencies but those higher frequencies arenow here. Try not to look at meditation as a difficult chore, but simply as theactivity of resting in the space between thoughts in an awareness of "Iand the father are one". This then establishes your connection, and these momentswill get longer as you practice.


Many of you are feeling the higher frequencies intenselynow and are beginning to experience a sense of detachment from the things andpeople in your lives. Try not to force yourself back into how things werebefore, believing that this sense of detachment means you no longer love thisperson or that. It simply means you are graduating--moving beyond the need foranything outside of yourself. The bonds that have held you in a false sense ofthe world are dissolving. Detachment does not mean a lack of love, it means alack of bondage to something or someone. Love then becomes more clean and pure;not based on some perceived personal need.


This false sense of love still pervades many of your relationships whether of family, marriage, or friendship. It manifests as anindividual's need for others to be, say, or do, exactly as the individual believes they should in order to be loveable or to satisfy some imagined andvery skewed concept of love. This false sense of love simply serves to peoplepush away, for all souls feel the need to be free, to be loved and validatedfor who they are.


Unconditional love is a love without strings and allowsfreedom of expression to all. To hold another in bondage to one's concepts,needs, desires or expectations is not love. This is the lesson of detachment;the realization that all are already whole, complete, and perfect and thatnothing or no one outside of yourself can change that.


You are learning the true meaning of love which is theconnecting energy between all facets and expressions of ONE OMNIPRESENT,OMNISCIENT, OMNIPOTENT DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS.

你们正在学习爱的真正意义,这爱连接着你们和无所不包的"", 也就是"无所不包,无所不在,无所不能的神圣意识"

We are the Arcturian Group


Marilyn Raffaele




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