
以恬愉为务 以自得为功


(2011-12-20 21:49:39) 下一个
1. 所有的行星都是中空的,包括地球在內。行星是由太陽甩出的熱氣團進入環繞太陽的軌道而形成的,其外殼是重力和離心力造成,兩極則保持敞開的狀態,直通到中空的內部。這個過程會形成一個中空的球體,並具有內部太陽,發射出舒適宜人的陽光,讓地心世界非常適合植物生長與人類生活,在那裡,太陽不會下山,所以沒有晚上。
2. 地心世界的眾生具有高度進化的靈性與先進的科技,他們和平相處,四海一家。那裡有青山碧海,一切都維持著純樸的風貌,沒有建築大樓、沒有購物廣場、沒有公路幹道,交通工具是電磁飛行器,在距離地表幾英吋的上空飛行。
3. 地心世界的首都稱為香巴拉(Shamballa),它位於地球內部的中心,可以從南北極長驅直入。我們在南北極看到的極光,事實上就是地心太陽光的反射。
4. 地心眾生使用水晶結合電磁,製造出具有全光譜的小太陽,提供他們所需的電力,可以維持50年之久。
5. 地殼大約有800英里厚,地心引力的中心並非在地球中心點,而是在地殼的中心,亦即地表下400英里處。
6. 地球磁場的源頭一直是個謎。事實上,地心太陽就是地球磁場的神秘力量來源。
7. 地球到處都有入口通到地心世界,但目前只有少數幾個開啟。
8. 發明交流電的天才科學家尼古拉.特斯拉(Nikola Tesla,1856-1943)現在正住在地心世界,18世紀末期,他開始接收到訊息,並發現到處都存在著無窮盡的電力,可以驅動這個世界的所有機器,而不需要煤炭、汽油、天然氣或其他燃料。1930年代,地心文明將許多地道和通道的入口封閉,因為人們濫用尼古拉的技術,想要取得通到地心的入口。
9. 2000年時,通到地心世界的兩大入口(即南北極)也被關閉,因為地表政府在兩極引爆,試圖炸開入口通到地心去。於是地心眾生在兩極入口附近設置了磁力場,以進一步掩蔽入口,這麼一來,從地面上或空中都看不到了。
10. 過去地表上有幾個入口可以通到地心世界的波薩拉格斯圖書館(Library of Porthologos),其中之一就是亞歷山大圖書館(Library of Alexandria),但這個圖書館在西元642年時被大火摧毀了。(註:該圖書館位於埃及亞歷山卓,在歷史上曾經是世界上最大的圖書館,由埃及托勒密王朝的國王托勒密一世在西元前3世紀所建造,後來慘遭火災而被摧毀。2000多年前它到底是什麼模樣無人知曉,因為它連一個石塊實物也沒有留下,今人只能從歷史文獻的零星記載中了解,而大量考古發掘似乎也無確鑿線索,只知道亞歷山大圖書館創建當時大約是中國竹簡流行,老子、孔子等諸子百家思想開始流傳的年代。)
11. 地心世界有更多陸地,那裡有四分之三是陸地,四分之一是海洋。一切都被細心維護,以保持生態平衡。
12. 目前有數百萬的凱薩里亞人(Catharian)住在地心世界,也有一些凱薩里亞人投胎到地面上,另外還有一些人住在木星。最高的凱薩里亞人足足有23英尺高。現在有36,000個地表人類住在地心世界;過去200年,大約有50個地表人移居到地心去;最近20年來,只有8個人移居進去。

Conclusions from "The Hollow Earth" by Dr. R.W. Bernard
(from The Hollow Trilogy, Code HET. See catalogue)

From the evidence contained 'in this book, confirmed by many Arctic explorers whom we cite, we come to the following conclusions :

1. There is really no North or South Pole. Where they are supposed to exist, there are really wide openings to the hollow interior of the Earth.

2. Flying saucers come from the hollow interior of the Earth through these polar openings.

3. The hollow interior of the earth, warmed by its central sun (the source of Aurora Borealis), has an ideal subtropical climate of about '76 degrees in temperature, neither too hot nor too cold.

4. Arctic explorers found the temperature to rise as they travelled far north; they found more open seas; they found animals travelling north in winter, seeking food and warmth, when they should have gone south; they found the compass needle to assume a vertical position instead of a horizontal one and to become extremely eccentric; they saw tropical birds and more animal life the further north they went; they saw butterflies, mosquitoes and other insects in the extreme north, when they were not found until one is as far south as Alaska and Canada; they found the snow discolored by colored pollen and black dust, which became worse the further north they went. The only explanation is that this dust came from active volcanoes in the polar opening.

5. There is a large population inhabiting the inner concave surface of the Earth's crust, composing a civilization far in advance of our own in its scientific achievements, which. probably descended from the sunken continents of Lemuria. and Atlantis. Flying saucers are only one of their many achievements. It would be to our advantage to contact these Elder Brothers of the human race, learn from them and receive their advice and aid.

6. The existence of a polar opening and land beyond the Poles is probably known to the U.S. Navy, in whose employ Admiral Byrd made his two historic flights and which is probably a top international secret.

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