Don Davis-2008《黑客帝国/The Matrix-Deluxe Edition》FLAC
专辑名称:The Matrix/黑客帝国
资源类型:FLAC+CUE [Booklet]
版 本:Deluxe Edition
地 区:美国
【专辑介绍】 黑客帝国作为最为经典的科幻片之一,为观众呈现了一个熟悉又陌生、神奇又迷离的未来网络世界。而Don Davis的配乐则让你有种身在其中的感觉,即使你走出电影院,离开大荧幕。当夜深人静再次放起影片的配乐时,闭上眼睛你又会回到那真真假假的科幻世界。
With the upcoming Warner Bros. Ultimate Edition of the entire Matrix saga, we thought this would be a good opportunity for our own Deluxe Edition of one of the most acclaimed and landmark scores of modern times. Now with over 78:00 of Don Davis\' astoundingly powerful and complex score, film music fans can finally enjoy all the intricacies of this epic work.
Davis\' score was performed live, just last year, as part of his Matrix Symphony performance at the inaugural Fimucite event in Tenerife. Don Davis went on to expand on his score with two sequels. But it was with this original masterpiece score that we all caught the trail of the white rabbit for the first time.
In the near future, Computer hacker Neo is contacted by underground freedom fighters who explain that reality as he understands it is actually a complex computer simulation called the Matrix. Created by a malevolent Artificial Intelligence, the Matrix hides the truth from humanity, allowing them to live a convincing, simulated life in 1999 while machines grow and harvest people to use as an ongoing energy source. The leader of the freedom fighters, Morpheus, believes Neo is The One who will lead humanity to freedom and overthrow the machines. Together with Trinity, Neo and Morpheus fight against the machine\'s enslavement of humanity as Neo begins to believe and accept his role as The One.
This has been one of our most clamored-for deluxe editions for years so we thought it would make a great and special addition to our continuing Varese Sarabande 30th anniversary celebration. Take the red pill.
【专辑曲目】01. Main Title/Trinity Infinity (3:51)
02. Neo on the Edge (3:24)
03. Unable To Speak (1:14)
04. Bait and Switch (3:17)
05. Switched for Life (3:35)
06. Switched at Birth (2:42)
07. Switch\'s Brew (2:25)
08. Cold Hearted Switch (1:39)
09. Nascent Nauseous Neo (2:07)
10. A Morpheus Moment (1:33)
11. Bow Whisk Orchestra (1:05)
12. Domo Showdown (1:15)
13. Switch or Break Show (1:05)
14. Shake, Borrow, Switch (0:36)
15. Freeze Face (1:50)
16. Switch Woks Her Boa (2:05)
17. Switch Out (2:58)
18. Boon Spoy (1:08)
19. Oracle Cookies (1:27)
20. Threat Mix (5:26)
21. Exit Mr. Hat (1:18)
22. On Your Knees, Switch (4:47)
23. Mix the Art (1:29)
24. Whoa, Switch Brokers (4:02)
25. No More Spoons (1:02)
26. Dodge This (1:07)
27. Ontological Shock (3:31)
28. That\'s Gotta Hurt (5:18)
29. Surprise! (4:05)
30. He\'s The One Alright (6:47)
原声大碟-1999《黑客帝国(The Matrix)Explicit Lyrics》APE
专辑名称:黑客帝国(The Matrix)Explicit Lyrics
版 本:Explicit Lyrics
地 区:美国
【专辑介绍】 《黑客帝国》的电影原声。在不久的将来,一名年轻的网络黑客(基奴李维斯)发现看似正常的现实世界实际上是由一个名为“矩阵”的计算机人工智能系统控制的,人们就象他放牧的动物一样。李维斯便在网络上查找关于“矩阵”的一切。后来在一名神秘女郎(嘉丽安莫斯)的引导下见到了黑客组织的首领(劳伦斯费许本),三人一起走上了抗争“矩阵”的征途。“尼奥,你曾经作过这样的梦吗,你如此肯定的东西是真的吗?你是否能从那样的梦中醒来?你能分辨出梦境与现实世界的区别吗?”尼奥不顾一切地想追寻“矩阵”的真相-他在梦中总是听到关于它的耳语,这是一种神秘的不可知的东西,他能够肯定地感觉到它不祥地控制着他。“矩阵是什么?”尼奥不知道,但是他相信默菲,一个传说中的人物,一个被描绘成非常危险的人能够给他答案。“没有人能够说明白\'矩阵\'是什么,你只有亲自去看。” 尼奥面对着另外一个问题:他就是它吗?当然,虽然不知道为什么,尼奥的答案就是“不是”。默菲的朋友塞弗同意他的观点。而其他人则不那么肯定。另外,还有人保护“矩阵”,由冷酷的史密斯带领,他们掌握着令人震惊的秘密。尼奥、默菲和特莱妮必须用他们的生命对抗强大的敌人来追寻答案、寻找自我。他们每一步都是危机四伏......
【专辑曲目】01. Rock Is Dead [Marilyn Manson]
02. Spybreak [Propellerheads]
03. Bad Blood [Ministry]
04. Clubbed to Death (Kurayamino Mix) [Rob D.]
05. Prime Audio Soup [Meat Beat Manifesto]
06. Leave You Far Behind [Lunatic Calm]
07. Mindfields [The Prodigy]
08. Dragula (Hot Rod Herman Remix) [Rob Zombie]
09. My Own Summer (Shove It) [Deftones]
10. Ultrasonic Sound [Hive]
11. Look to Your Orb for the Warning [Monster Magnet]
12. Hast [Rammstein]
13. Wake Up [Rage Against the Machine]