英文名称:Disney\'s Greatest Hits
地 区:美国
压缩码率:192 K
【专辑介绍】 这张合辑是2001年发行的,其中有两张CD,收录的大都是迪斯尼2000年前的作品中的音乐,包括:《花木兰》,《玩具总动员》,《狮子王》,《恐龙》等. . . . . . 。也不乏早期作品,比如说,《小鹿斑比》,《皮诺曹》,《小飞象》,《白雪公主》等. . . . . . 对喜欢迪斯尼动画的朋友来说,是值得收藏的!
01. You\'ll Be in My Heart [Tarzan, Phil Collins]
02. The Egg Travels [Dinosaur, Instrumental]
03. A Whole New World [Aladdin, Peabo Bryson & Regina Belle]
04. When She Loved Me [Toy Story 2, Sarah McLachlan]
05. The Bare Necessities [The Jungle Book, Bruce Reitherman]
06. Reflection [Mulan, Christina Aguilera]
07. Someday [The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Eternal]
08. Heigh-Ho [Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, The Dwarf Chorus]
09. Can You Feel the Love Tonight [The Lion King, Kristle Edwards, Joseph Williams, Sally Dworsky, Nathan Lane, and Ernie Sabella]
10. Colors of the Wind [Pocahontas, Vanessa Williams]
11. Cruella de Vil [101 Dalmatians, Dr. John]
12. A Star Is Born [Hercules, Jocelyn Brown]
13. Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo [From Cinderella, Louis Armstrong]
14. He\'s a Tramp [Lady and the Tramp, Peggy Lee]
15. When I See an Elephant Fly [Dumbo, Cliff \'Ukulele Ike\' Edwards]
16. Kiss the Girl [The Little Mermaid, Peter Andre]
17. The Time of Your Life [A Bug\'s Life, Randy Newman]
18. The Sorcerer\'s Apprentice [Fantasia 2000, The Philharmonia Orchestra]
01. Shooting Star [Hercules, Boyzone]
02. Hakuna Matata [The Lion King, Nathan Lane and Ernie Sabella]
03. I Will Go Sailing No More [Toy Story, Randy Newman]
04. Go the Distance [Hercules, Michael Bolton]
05. I Wan\'na Be Like You [The Monkey Song, The Jungle Book, Louis Prima, Phil Harris & Bruce Reitherman]
06. True to Your Heart [Mulan, 98° & Stevie Wonder]
07. Beauty and the Beast [Beauty and the Beast, Angela Lansbury]
08. Someday [The Hunchback Of Notre Dame, Donna Summer]
09. Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah [Song of the South, James Baskett]
10. Reflection [Mulan, Vanessa-Mae]
11. Little April Shower [Bambi, Frank Churchill & Larry Morey]
12. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious [Mary Poppins, Dick Van Dyke]
13. The Monkey\'s Uncle [The Monkey\'s Uncle, Annette Funicello]
14. The Gospel Truth [Hercules, Jocelyn Brown]
15. Someday My Prince Will Come [Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Adriana Caselotti]
16. Zero to Hero [Hercules, Sounds of Blackness]
17. Toccata and Fugue in D Minor BWV 565-The Nutcracker Suite Op. 71a [Fantasia]
18. When You Wish upon a Star [Pinocchio, Louis Armstrong]
英文名称:Disney Box Office Hits
地 区:美国
压缩码率:320 K
【专辑介绍】 话不絮烦,且依次看看收录的音乐出自什么电影:《魔法奇缘》(Enchanted,2007)、《瓦利》(Wall-E,2008)、《汽车总动员》(Cars,2006)、《拜见罗宾逊一家》(Meet the Robinsons,2007)、《纳尼亚传奇二:凯斯宾王子》(Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian,2008)、《公主日记二:皇室婚约》(Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement,2004)、《纳尼亚传奇一:狮子、女巫和魔衣柜》(Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian,2005)、《闪电犬》(Bolt,2008)、《四眼天鸡》(Chicken Little,2005)、《料理鼠王》(Ratatouille,2007)、《加勒比海盗》(Pirates of the Caribbean,2003)、《超人特工队》(the Incredibles,2004)。
从所选曲目可以看出这张今年发行的专辑算是很“时髦”的,没有了悠久如《白雪公主》(Snow White)、《小美人鱼》(The Little Mermaid)的音乐;取而代之的是一首首热力四射的“潮”曲,同时也有像第十三曲Le Festin那样温情款款的呢哝小调。选曲在气氛的平衡上是很不错的。
【专辑曲目】01. Ever Ever After [Enchanted, Carrie Underwood]
02. Down to Earth [WALL E, Peter Gabriel]
03. Real Gone [Cars, Sheryl Crow]
04. Little Wonders [Meet the Robinsons, Rob Thomas]
05. This Is Home (The Chronicles of Narnia-Prince Caspian, Switchfoot]
06. Breakaway (The Princess Diaries 2-Royal Engagement, Kelly Clarkson]
07. Can’t Take It In (The Chronicles of Narnia-The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, Imogen Heap]
08. I Thought I Lost You [Bolt, Miley Cyrus and John Travolta]
09. Our Town [Cars, James Taylor]
10. All I Know [Chicken Little, Five For Fighting]
11. The Call [The Chronicles of Narnia-Prince Caspian, Regina Spektor]
12. Where Is Your Heart At [Meet the Robinsons, Jamie Cullum]
13. Le Festin [Ratatouille, Camille]
14. Jack’s Suite [Pirates of the Caribbean, Paul Oakenfold]
15. UNKLE Reconstruction [The Incredibles, UNKLE]