《剑桥高阶英语学习词典》(Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary) 3rd [光盘镜像]
英文名称:Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary
资源类型:光盘镜像 [ISO]
版 本:3rd
地 区:英国

简 介:
本词典为享誉全球的《剑桥国际英语词典》(Cambridge International Dictionary of English)的全新升级版本。它以剑桥国际英语语料库(CIC)中逾7亿词条为蓝本,并参考了剑桥英语学习者语料库(CLC)中剑桥测试系统的原始语料精心编纂而成,是中、高级英语学习者必备的权威英语工具书。
- 收录词目、短语共170,000余条。
- 提供25,000项词条搭配,并附400项搭配用法指导。
- 突出词频,按词汇使用频率分为三级,方便读者实际应用。
- 收录最新词汇(如greenwash, dirty bomb, blog),紧跟语言发展潮流。
- 16页全彩图解,21页实用英语知识专项研析。
- 立足著名的剑桥英语学习者语料库,提供200项常见错误分析,帮助读者杜绝语言错误。
- 多义项词条独立呈现,并提供导向词标识,方便快速查阅定位。
- 释义简洁,用常见2,000基础词汇解释所有词条,通俗易懂。
- 附赠光盘,全面提升听、说、读、写各项英语技能。
- 覆盖该词典中所有词条。
- 提供数千条补充例句。
- Smart Thesaurus功能可瞬间将本词典变为同义词典,帮助快速定位所需的恰当词汇。
- 每词均配有英式及美式发音,并提供练习工具帮助纠正发音。
- Super Write功能提供写作的语法、拼写及搭配的实时协助。
- 强大的复制与粘贴功能,让本词典真正成为读者自己的个性化词典。
A brand new edition of the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary and CD-ROM, that is now more user-friendly than ever. Clear definitions and prominent guidewords help you find the meaning you want quickly and easily. Hundreds of new words ensure your English is up to date. And 'Word partner' boxes show you how to use words in the most natural way.
★NEW! 'Extra help' section includes maps, illustrations and photos, and the innovative 'Let's Talk' section which focuses specifically on spoken English
★NEW! Even more Learner Error notes taken from the Cambridge Learner Corpus help you to avoid common mistakes
★NEW! Thesaurus panels help you widen your vocabulary
This brand new edition features hundreds of new words, and 'Word partner' boxes to help you use words in the most natural way. NEW features include: 'Extra help' section including maps, illustrations and photos innovative 'Talk' section, focusing on spoken English more Learner Error notes from the Cambridge Learner Corpus * thesaurus panels The CD-ROM contains the whole dictionary, with thousands of example sentences; recordings of every word in British and American English; extra collocation information; the unique SMART thesaurus and QUICKfind, a mini pop-up dictionary. Interactive exercises include real past papers from IELTS, FCE, CAE, CPE and BEC.
【全部下载后用WinRAR解压, NERO刻录光盘, 安装即可使用】http://uploading.com/files/PUBA00TJ/Dictionary.part1.rar.html