

(2015-01-11 20:57:06) 下一个
今晚儿子让我把他刚写的Science Essay打印出来。我拿来一看,说,“不行,最少要写满一页。” 儿子还嘴,“老师只让写五段,而且班里还有写半页的”。我说,“咱只能跟好的比。去,再加上几个句子。” 儿子一看我这么坚决,就拿走他的notebook,又勉强加了几句凑成了一页。


Did you know that orcas, or killer whales can grow up to be 21-23 feet long? This essay will tell you three facts about orcas. They are 1) Killer whales are about 7 meters long, 2) Orcas in the wild live about 60-70 years unless hunted down and killed, and 3) Killer whales live all over the world’s oceans.

A full grown orca can be 7 meters long or 21-23 feet long when full grown. Though they are about 4 times as tall as the average human adult, they are only half the size of the the biggest of the toothed whales. The sperm whale, which is about 52 feet long, is twice the size of the orca. But toothed whales are smaller than baleen whales, which are the biggest whales of the two groups.

Orcas in the wild could live 60-70 years, but in captivity, they only live about 9 years, because tricks affect the killer whale’s brain, and they tend to live shorter. However, seaworld claims that orcas in their aquarium live as long as their cousins in the wild.

Killer whales are distributed all over the world’s oceans, and they are especially found in antarctic waters, and they live there because orcas have thick blubber to survive in the freezing depths of the waters. They are easily seen because they are black and white, which stands out quite a lot.

The facts about orcas were: 1) Orcas are about 7 meters long, 2) They live 60-70 years in the wild, and 3) They live all over the world’s oceans. For more information go to




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