
医者意也 (热门博主)
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(2010-05-22 12:50:50) 下一个

有个母亲给自己看病的时候问我,她的儿子没有什么“火”,要怎么办?我说,什么叫没有“火”?她说,就是她儿子不会发火,老是被别人欺负, 16 岁的小孩,一米六的个头,但是比他小比他瘦小的小孩子都会经常欺负他,麻烦的是他从来不会发火。她说,我老是教他不能任人欺负,要打回他,他却说不行的,老师说过不能打人的。真是给他气死。我听了哈哈大笑。这母亲接着说,这儿子看起来比我还高大,但是经常被人欺负,时不时会看到他被几个小孩子追着打。





再有前面说过的那个 11 岁的小女孩 ,得了一型糖尿病。起因也是因为 5 岁的时候打的疫苗针。大家为人父母,对疫苗针的东西真的不可不慎。

那有没有可能不打疫苗针呢?也有,就是用宗教理由。很可惜,中国人大多数是无神论者,没有宗教信仰,所以没有办法走这条路。各位网友如果还没有生孩子,赶紧去信个某某宗教现在还来得及。要不大家就只能够 Home Schooling 了。




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hi_sunflower 回复 悄悄话 有人说碘盐过多cause hypo thyroid. seems more true to me.
医者意也 回复 悄悄话 回复iamhereforfun的评论:
医者意也 回复 悄悄话 回复iamhereforfun的评论:
iamhereforfun 回复 悄悄话 If you don't mind, let me ask you a separate question (irrelevant to your article) --- So, do you mean you have NOT let your child taken ANY immunization after your child's birth ? Neven taken ANY ? And how old is your child now ?

iamhereforfun 回复 悄悄话 回复医者意也的评论:
You can believe whatever you believe. my point is -- In the beginning of your article, you listed an example, then you have to provide some supporting points to show readers that it is a good example that caused by taking immunization.

if you just mention a medical case, and then you say you believe it is caused by taking immunization, then nobody can understand why. This is different from OJ case. For OJ case, we have blood DNA evidence, we have witness seeing him around the crime scene, etc. For the first example, I really don't see you provided any connection.
happywind 回复 悄悄话 医生你好,能否给我qqh发你诊所电话地址。我在MD,有朋友癌症第一期,想把你推荐给她。非常感谢。
ONCOCIDIA 回复 悄悄话 Be careful to what you are talking about and see the following case.


Autism doc (yes, that one) banned in UK

The UK has prohibited Andrew Wakefield from practicing medicine — you’ll remember him as the first to publish a peer-reviewed report linking autism to the MMR vaccine, in The Lancet in 1998 (which has since been retracted). Additional research has failed to find a connection between autism and any vaccine.

According to the Associated Press, since this paper, UK vaccination rates have not returned to their former levels, and each year brings outbreaks of measles.

The UK’s General Medical Council found Wakefield guilty of serious professional misconduct, based on how he carried out his research. He has set up a practice in the U.S., and can appeal the ruling.

What’s your reaction to this latest news?

Alison McCook, Deputy Editor, The Scientist

医者意也 回复 悄悄话 回复iamhereforfun的评论:
打个比方,人人都知道是OJ Simpson 杀了他妻子,但是却没办法去证明这件事。

iamhereforfun 回复 悄悄话 You did not prove why the first teen's hypo thyroid was caused by immunization. All his mother provided information was --
1. her child is weak in personality
2. You told her "immunization may cause autism and other problem." Then her mom said "he had symptom similar to autism".

Then you were "excied" to "prove" this is a case caused by immunization. First, Nobody really confirmed that kid did have autism. Second;y, even he had autism, there are hundreds things may cause autism, why it was caused by immunization ? Did his mom tell you he just started having autism symptom right after the immunization ?

If you knew this example is not a proved case for immunization problem, then what's the point of talking about it first ??