
Twilight - Some sentences with Chinese Correspondence

(2010-01-03 20:44:09) 下一个


  1. I dressed quickly, something stronger than butterflies battering recklessly against the walls of my stomach, my argument with Mike already a distant memory.

  2. I sidestepped the minefield. "It's a girl's choice."

  3. When I heard the cruiser pull away, 。。警车离开。。。 

  4. looking away from the unbearable beauty of his eyes.

  5. He spoke matter-of-factly.

  6. "You look kinda keyed up," he noted. Why, oh why, did this have to be his night to pay attention?

  7. "You can't spring something like that on me, (一股脑的灌给我这么多东西。)and then expect me not to say anything," I mumbled against his finger.

  8. I think I saw it in the trunk," Billy said. "You may have to dig for it." 你的自己找找 

  9. I mmm'd and ahh'd at the right places, but it wasn't easy to concentrate.

  10. I locked my legs around his waist and secured my arms in a choke hold around his neck。腿紧紧夹着他的腰,手死死搂着他的脖子。。。I contented myself with listening to his breath come and go evenly.

  11. "Please don't take offense, but we'd appreciate it if you'd refrain from hunting in this immediate area. We have to stay inconspicuous, you understand," Carlisle explained. "Of course." Laurent nodded. "We certainly won't encroach on your territory. We just ate outside of Seattle, anyway," he laughed. A shiver ran up my spine.

  12. It was nothing like the playful sounds I'd heard from him this morning; it was the single most menacing thing I had ever heard, and chills ran from the crown of my head to the back of my heels. 从头凉岛脚。 

  13. my hair ruffled  (绉褶, 生气, 褶裥饰边,涟漪)with a breeze /  Edward stiffened v. 使...坚硬 / his nostrils flaring
    Three things seemed to happen simultaneously while Carlisle was speaking. My hair ruffled with the light breeze, Edward stiffened, and the second male, James, suddenly whipped his head around, scrutinizing me, his nostrils flaring.
    lurch: (the act of moving forward suddenly);  crouch: n.
    蹲伏, 蜷缩; feral: adj. 野生的, 凶猛的 ; snarl: n. 咆哮;
    A swift rigidity fell on all of them as James lurched one step forward into a crouch. Edward bared his teeth, crouching in defense, a feral snarl ripping from his throat.

  14. all the terror, the despair, the shattering of my heart. 心碎。

  15. Shhhhh, he shushed me.

  16. The door opened a crack, and she peeked through.

  17. Edward's face was composed, his expression blank. 他紧绷着脸,毫无表情。

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