
It is so difficult to keep being uneducated and want to be unedu

(2019-02-16 12:31:25) 下一个

That is a paradox. From the day we were born people surrounding us had been trying to teach us. Many of the early teachings are helpful and useful. As we grow older, these teachings are becoming less and less helpful,  sometimes oit right harmful to our growth as a person.

As much as I want to claim some credits in my kids' upbringing, I am grateful for myself for not imposing my views to them, for not discoursing them to do what they want to do.  If they want to do something, they must weigh it first, I always encourage them to say what and why they want it in the  first place, not what may lay in its way.

High school experience itself is an important phase of a kid's life, at least in the USA. Going to college, let alone the most selctives is only one of its goals. 

Kids do not automatically grow up, become mature, being responible  when they are admitted to their dream school. 

Not everything should be weighed agaisr the college admission yard stick.

I forgot why I started typing about it.



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